Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Lakers Are Going To The NBA Finals (Sasha Vujacic Is An A-Hole)

I'll be the first to admit that I just didn't think the Lakers had enough. I couldn't for the life of me understand how Pau Gasol, Derrick Fisher, and Lamar Odom were going to be enough for Kobe to take the team to the next level. Boy was I wrong.

All Kobe did tonight was pour in 39 points and lead his Lakers into the NBA Finals. Oh and Sasha Vujacic either made some people very happy or very very pissed off (I'll explain after the video)

Not only is Vujacic a dick for taking that shot (I would have have done more than give him a look like Finley did), but someone ask me what the spread for the game was? Go ahead ask....

Lakers by 7 and a half points.

Amazing. Did you hear that collective gasp? That was probably half of the attendees at the Sportsbooks in Vegas just passing out. Anywho, the Lakers look unstoppable at this point and I just like everyone else is hoping for a Lakers-Celtics Final, but just having Kobe in the Finals should be enough to grab my attention.

Also, bravo to the Spurs who are definitely a dynasty in my book. Hopefully Duncan, Parker, and Ginobili can keep it together for a few more years and this can be a yearly showdown. One more scoring wing player and this series would be much closer (bye bye Michael Finley).


  1. Can you post the all-time flop by Gasol with 5:48 in the 4th where he dove when Parker touched him.

  2. Sasha is a prick dick. I'm pulling for the east. I have no respect for the Lakers nor the league office for allowing them to fleece Memphis like that. What's worse is that West presents the conference title trophy to Kupchak. That whole thing smells of conspiracy.
    At worst, this series should be 3-2 instead of 4-1. Thanks Crawford and the day-late dollar-short league for acknowledging the blown no call from game 4.

  3. As a resident of MN, I'm not pulling for KG. Pistons, Lakers, Celtics are the order of preference for the title, so it looks like I'm going to have to cheer for Kobe.

  4. @ rdm,

    So you forecast the future and the Spurs actually won game 4?

  5. Um...100 points @ Laker home games = Free Tacos? Yes?

  6. That's the closest Sasha will ever get to taking the last shot with the clock ticking down. Get over it! If you are a degenerate gambler, you got what you deserved.

  7. Finding an unnecessary (and arguably unsportsmanlike) shot that swings a game across the betting line interesting is a far cry from being a degenerate gambler. However, I don't feel out of line assuming that Anon is presumptuous and judgmental.

  8. Any degenerate gambler knows the NBA is the toughest league to bet on because of shots like degenerate gambler takes a story of a loss like that to their next attempt at GA...and then they throw down some cash on the Celtics plus the points and the over buying down two points on the total.

  9. the officials waved off the review because donaghy was flashing covert signals to the from the rafters

  10. I heard on a couple of national sports talk shows overnight that there were more than a few incidents at Las Vegas sports books because of that shot by Sasha...Oh, and to anon at 1:39AM, I heard that tacos are free if the Lakers hold their opponents to under 100...I'm not exactly sure, though.

  11. Yeah, the free tacos are only for holding opponents to under 100 points. The Chicago Bulls give out free Big Macs when they score over 100 points, which led to some fun controversy last year when Isiah accused them of running up the score on the Knicks because they were trying to score 100 points at the end of the game. Man I'm going to miss him.

  12. You only get the free tacos if you hold the opponent to under 100 AND the Lakers score more than 100 ... Sasha loves tacos ... still a dick move

  13. I hate the Spurs but they are a classy bunch. I would have murdered Vujacic had I been on the floor and he did that. You don't do that stuff against a class organization.

  14. All the fans are happy I'm sure.... Free tacos and they covered the spread.... Who does that though?

  15. You really think Sasha cares?

  16. What exactly is the problem with Vujacic's three-pointer? The clock was still running, the Spurs left him wide open (I know they had obviously given up at that point) and he took the shot. I don't know if Sasha Vujacic was trying to "rub the victory in the Spurs' faces" but I take no offense from the shot on its own. Who knows, maybe it may give him the confidence to take a last second three in a future game if necessary--although I admit that Kobe is likely going to be the one who would take the shot for the Lakers if the game is on the line.

  17. Whoever is still complaining about the last second shot in game 4 needs to shut their mouths because the refs blew far more calls in the favor of the Spurs that entire game (I still wonder how Tim Duncan can slam a ball from the half court line without dribbling and that is NOT a travel). You don't hear the Suns complaining about that cheap shot Horry took on Nash last year do you? (well maybe they still do...)

    I agree with the poster who stated that he hates the Spurs but they are definitely all class. Sasha should be fined for that shot, but he still is only 24, and immature, so I'll let it slide this one time, and that's not just because I am a Laker fan, because that shot annoyed me too.

  18. Judging by the reaction of the crowd, who cheered loudly when he hit the 3, I would say that everyone was excited to get free tacos. Watching the game, it didn't have a "rub it in" feel. It is almost like kicking field goals in football when you're up by 40+. It is not like he was going for a slam dunk. He just kind of threw the ball up there. It just happened to go in. No big deal.

  19. whats up with that little sasha headstring? ive seen scola with it too.

  20. The object of basketball is to score points. Sasha scored points. DEAL WITH IT YOU SPURS WACKOS!

  21. FROM A GAMBLING STANDPOINT: If you picked San Antonio and took the points in this game either you're a Spur fan or you are delusional and you deserved to lose. If you've been watching this series closely you'd be more educated on your pick. I'm willing to bet the majority of bettors gave the points and the sportsbooks mainly took the hit on this one. If you didn't pick the Lakers too bad.

  22. Shots like that are the exact reason why you should NEVER bet on the NBA, except for the O/U.

    Devil's Advocate, the problem with the shot is the Spurs had conceded the game by not fouling although they were only down by 5 points. When one team concedes like that the other usually dribbles the clock out, not loft an utterly pointless shot. That is the epitome of poor sportsmanship and shows no class.

  23. Stop hating you Laker haters, Sasha is good and went for a shot to better his game. These people should not bet in Vegas. im glad they lost their money. Celtic fans are bandwagoners. I didnt see one celtic jersey last year. Just a matter of time before the Lakers win a championship, why not now!! They far exceeded my expectations and if the Lakers win the whole thing it will shut everyone up that the only reason why the lakers had 3 in a row was because of Shaq, give me a break. Lakers baby!! Lets take it to the next level.

  24. LOVE Sasha. One of the miracle covers of all time. If they ever have a gambling Hall of Fame, his shoes from this game should be there.

  25. I love how people just assume Spurs would have won Game 4 if a foul had been called on Fisher. It was a non-shooting foul, at the best Spurs tie the game and go to OT. Who is to say they wouldn't still lose? How about the fact Barry actually traveled on the play? (Oh, yes, he did move his pivot foot!) How about the Fisher shot a few ticks before that glanced the rim and bounced out of bound off of Horry and should have reset the shot clock? Should we go back and re-check every play Kobe was involved in and see how in the world he did not go to the line a single time for the entire game?

    It's over, Spurs lost, get over it!

  26. Enough about the possible non-call in Game 4. Barry's own brother said it wasn't a foul mainly because he set himself and shot AFTER the bump. Besides, we all know that the lamest rule in the NBA allows players to fake a shot from a set position, then when the guy jumps up to block it the shooter moves into the guy on purpose to get the foul.

    And I agree, there were so many non-calls on the Spurs in Game 4 their fans have no reason to complain. The team sure didn't. And to hopefully silence the whiners, don't forget that in the last two years the Spurs needed to play dirty to advance.

  27. Can't feel sorry for those gamblers. SAS +8 was available for a full day before gameday. Early bird catches the worm.

  28. anybody stop to think that his contract probably has incentives for scoring points, and three pointers? He probably needs the dough because his teammates are going to make him buy the next team dinner for taking that shot.

  29. Man, I'm a Laker fan and as I was getting ready to celebrate a trip to the finals I halted to yell "Don't shoot that shit!" at the tv. A classless act and I'm sure Phil and the brass will slap him on the wrist for it. With that said, GO LAKERS!

  30. Well, you can obviously tell who the Spur fans are. I was stoked that he took it. I took the Lakers and gave the points. For 100 M&M's, that is ;)

  31. $ all yall that wasnt @ the game.....shiiiii I ejoyed my free tacos......

  32. that's why it's called gambling

  33. Notes from LALA Land ... The purple reign has begun (next year w Bynum=lights out) Gasol WILL hit the weightroom in the off season...get over the no call - what about the rim and clock re-set.... West giving the trophy and before the game telling Kobe - "kick their a**"..classic...Kupchak looking out of place -like always....prediction Lakers in 5

  34. Not even considering Game 4...the series should be, at the minimum, 3-2 San Antonio because they NEVER should have blown the leads they had in Games 1 & 5...Game 4, from what little I've seen, was shaky with the shot clock at the end and the Fisher/Barry play (probably would have only sent the game into OT amyway), so I'll give that one to the Lakers...anyone else agree with me?

  35. This should teach you gamblers a lesson and NOT bet on Basketball. I'm a die hard Lakers fan, and I have to admit, I don't feel pity for those who picked the Spurs because I lost over a grand LAST YEAR on a piece of shit named DAMON JONES, so TOUGH. In case you non-basketball fans don't know, the Cavs got the ball back with the series over and instead of just inbounding the ball at the near sideline to run out the second remaining, they threw the ball to the opposite court and Jones hit a 3 pointer at the buzzer that lost me a lot of what can you do? Don't Gamble!

  36. Man, what is the big deal??? these people need to get a life. Why can shit go back to what it used to? About games being fun and if there are any assholes in here...there the ones that gamble and bet on any type of game. they just makes great pastimes an ugly thing. I am a lakers fan, and i will ride with my boys all the way! Great Job, Vujacic!!! You have my complete support...and FUCK the haters!!!LOSERS...they are just mad because that's exactly what they are...LOSERS!!!

  37. You guys are bunch of idiots for calling Sasha names. Glad he blew the spread because this game is not about Vegas, it's about winning. He pulled a New England Patriots, he played until the clock ran out, etiquette or not...that's the kind of player any winning team wants on their side.

    Freaken losers talkin about spreads.

  38. Sasha took a last second shot that he didn't need to take. Who cares? The game wasn't over. It's a competition. You beat your opponent without any apologies. Keep playing until the final buzzer goes off no matter how bad you are losing. Only the losers make a big deal about insignificant aspects of the game, like taking an unnecessary shot at the end of the game. Stop whining and just play until the game is over.

  39. for the guy who said the series should be a minimum 3-2 san antonio because of what happened anyone else agree with me?..... wow u are one dumbfk! they shouldnt have blown those leads?
    But the fact is they DID, so saying that is just stupid. you know what shouldnt have happened then using ur stupid thinking, the spurs never should have won a game. it should have been a sweep.
    lakers win 4-1 because they were a better team. u dont win 4 of 5 games by accident or because of ref's calls. get over it, spurs are done...

  40. I can see the gamblers pissed, but besides that... why did Tony Paker take the previous 3 if the game was already decided, he should of been a gracious loser and ran the clock out (no shot clock violation)... If you dish it, you better be able to take it.

  41. To the whining gamblers, get a life.
    Bottom line is the Lakers won, Spurs lost. By how much, who cares.
    For us people who have a love for the Game, not the money, and actually watch entire ball games, know that Sasha shoots the ball every chance he gets. That's just the player he is, and I don't think he had any intention of rubbing it in.
    And to those other people whining about the non call at the end of Game 4, the Spurs should have never had the ball in the first place. Fisher's previous shot glanced the rim and the Lakers should have had a fresh shot clock. One bad call deserves another I guess.

  42. NICE shot SASHA! I would have done the same! Its a game and it is played till "0.00" is left on the clock! Get over it all the "whiners"... TACOS ANYONE? spend 2k a seat and get tacos... they should give ribeye steak in finals if Lakers score 100 and celtics under 100. Lakers easily in 5 games or less! Bring a Broom, since this could get ugly!?!? Kobe da' Man! Live it... learn it.. WATCH him! But celtics please pose as you attempt a block shot next to his dunks so you can make his next poster! Next time bet the other way. Lesson Learned!

  43. Sasha, Sasha, Sasha. I knew he wasn't spotting up just to get the ball and run the clock out. No, it probably won't get him any votes for a sportsmanship award, but, interestly enough, that's not what he's playing for. Michael Finley can look all he wants; it'll be good practice for what he'll be doing from home. Sasha plays his heart out until that final buzzer sounds. Sure, some players find it appropriate to dribble out, and that's good for them. Even though the Spurs are one of the dirtiest teams around, I seriously doubt SV shot the ball out of disrespect for San Antonio. But even if he did, so be it. The Spurs' dirty play is a far cry from the David Robinson years. As far as sympathy for gamblers...yea.

  44. P.S.
    How much more necessary was Parker's shot just before that?

  45. I didn't like the shot much either, but what I hated more was Horry's assault on Nash, and then West this year, or Bowen pretty much being Bowen. And if you don't believe he's a dirty player, you're an idiot, go to youtube, you'll find plenty of cheap shots. They don't deserve any sympathy. They just couldn't stop Kobe, and I'm surprised they didn't try to go after his injured pinky. And as for the gamblers, why would anyone count on the Spurs to do anything in game 5, when the Lakers are so clearly better than they are? That's just stupid.

  46. vujacic is a douchebag

  47. can't really respect the opinion of people who root for a team filled with a rapist and soft european players who pull bush league shots like vujacic. enjoy your title aholes, you would have gotten a bunch more if kobe wasn't such a baby.

  48. To all you name callers/laker haters/Vujacic haters...Where you watching the game for the last 10 seconds? They were full court pressing. For What? They were trying to steal the ball of course. Because they gave up with 2 seconds left we were suppose to say OK? I don't think so. The Lakers are gonna need a whole lot more killer instinct like that when they play Mighty Boston. Quit hating. Just jump on the Boston Bandwagon like were gonna do in the first place.
    You got your work cut out for you Coach Jackson. I hope you get that record.

  49. Finally! Someone else noticed that Parker took an unnecessary shot right before Sasha's, and that the Spurs were still playing defense on Radmanovic, which made him pass to Sasha. Players on both sides were still running the floor as if the game wasn't over, so what did you expect?


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