Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mariah Carey's Arm Doesn't Quite Work Right

So Mariah Carey was in Japan (apparently she's big there) to throw out a first pitch at a Baseball game in Tokyo. So how did it go? You be the judge.... I know the pitcher's mound might be pretty far from home plate for most people who don't play baseball, but good lord. That throw was worse the Mayor of Cincinnati's 2007 Opening Day Throw.

Mariah Carey and history's worst first pitch (Big League Stew)
Mariah Carey Throws Like Johnny Damon (The Sporting Blog)


  1. The result looked more like she was spiking a football!

    What's worse is that Mariah herself didn't think that she could pull it off. Look carefully at her facial expression before she took the mound.

  2. Her arm doesn't work right because she jerked me off for 6 hours straight,

  3. Moments like these make me long for the days of Harry Caray. He would've died on-air or been fired after seeing Mariah in that outfit.

  4. That's bad, but no way it was worse than the Cinci Mayor... at least it was on line.

  5. Just another reason to hate Mariah Carey.

  6. to her credit.. she was in massive high heels.. but yeah that was still crap

  7. The Cincy Mayor is, or at least was, a man...he was way more pathetic.

  8. The Cincy mayor was much worse. At least Mariah's "pitch" rolled to the catcher. And afterwards she was all "I'm Mariah Carey, bitches. You're welcome."

  9. Wow! Marriage material.

    How 'bout the smile on the catcher. Dude hasn't been that happy since the day he learned he didn't have mouth cancer.

  10. She dated Derek Jeter for how long? And that's the best she could do?

  11. She looks so high.

    Sorta OT: I was at a AA ball game a few years back and they had Spiderman throw out the first pitch. Swear to God he threw the pitch backward. I had to spend the rest of the game trying to explain to my 10 year old nephew why a mighty superhero threw like a retard sissy.


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