Friday, May 30, 2008

Rasheed Wallace Does Not Enjoy Your Cameras ESPN

Game Six of the Eastern Conference Finals is still going on but things are getting pretty heated. There's been a few questionable calls on both ends, but Rasheed Wallace isn't particularly happy with this foul on Kevin Garnett, and subsequently ESPN's camera in his face (NSFW Language)....

"I'm not going to tell you again to get that f**king camera out my face!"

God I love Rasheed. Classic. I also like ESPN's random shot of the tunnel in the beginning.

(I'll have the end of the game video up shortly after the game as well)


  1. Anyone see the foul? I didn't. Or was this just a bad angle? Crappy way to get a fifth foul if it wasn't.

  2. I believe it was - "not gonna tell you no more"

    he deserved a T for excessive use of a negative.

  3. Perhaps if he worried more about playing basketball instead of being a preening diva he wouldn't be sitting on his ass at home tonight.

    He's the epitome of the selfish player that fulfills every negative stereotype of the NBA player. His entire 'game' is based on 'look at me' ridiculousness, stomping his feet after nearly every foul.

    I'm sure I'm not alone in being glad the pistons are done for the year.

  4. Did you hear Marty McFly at the end? "The cameraman should have given him a T". Good stuff.

  5. Wow anonymous @ 12:11 do you even know shit about how Sheed plays? He's one of the most unselfish players in the league. Sure he argues calls and can whine alot but he only does so because of his passion for the game. He jsut wants to win he doesn't whine in order to have people look at him. WTF that was such an ignorant comment Know what you're saying about a player before you say it


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