Friday, May 30, 2008

Red Auerbach Was Against Flopping All The Way Back In The 70s

Awesome video from Bullets Forever today of Red Auerbach using Bullets players to demonstrate how coaches are teaching kids how to fall.....

“Now remember, coaches today, in high school, college and pro are teaching the players how to fall. This is unreal! … This segment is not aimed at referees, believe me. It’s aimed at coaches, it’s aimed at players. What are we going to do about it? Let’s clean this thing up. Let’s not hurt the game.”

Amazing....especially with how rough the NBA got in the 80s. Red would be rolling over in his grave if he saw some of the highlights from this years Playoffs. Just ask Sheed.

Flopping? Blame it on Mike Riordan (Bullets Forever)
Red: ‘They’re Teaching Them How To Fall! Unreal!’ (Sports by Brooks)


  1. Excellent. Every modern day official, coach, and player should watch this video.

  2. Classic. Just another example of how Red was ahead of his time.

    Wonder if the league got wind of this clip and that is the reason behind the new flopping fines.

  3. Sheer brilliance. This message should be delivered hither and yon to every player and coach at every level. Wow, was Red on top of things or what?


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