Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Best News I've Heard All Week: Taryne Mowatt Wants To Be A Sideline Reporter

The 2007 College World Series sensation and rather attractive Taryne Mowatt's days pitching at Zona are over, but she's got a plan. She wants to be the next Erin Andrews. From the Oklahoman via Campus Clicks....
Q: When you softball career ends, what are you plans?

A: I've always loved being in front of the camera. I want to be a television sideline reporter for someone like ESPN.

Is that your major?

Yes. It's what I've always wanted to do.

You graduated this semester?

Not yet. I still have another semester, but that's OK. I'm ready to go to work if someone wants to give me a job.

So you want to take John Kruk's job?

No. I want to do the Erin Andrews' deal. I've been pitching the idea that there should be an Erin and Taryne duo. I would give anything to meet Erin Andrews. I want to do her job.
I don't think I can type after reading the phrase "Erin and Taryne duo". Umm, yes please!? But in all seriousness I've seen her on TV and as long as she gets great interviews (ala Andrews' Jon Lester one) and provides some insight, I'm all for her getting a shot.

WCWS Q&A: Arizona pitcher Taryne Mowatt (The Oklahoman)


  1. Easy there now...Wait for it to happen.

  2. Remove 'job' from the end of the last sentence and you sum up the sentiments of most people reading this, I'd imagine.

  3. Arizona, not ASU!

  4. She's not that hot...there, I said it.

  5. She's hot enough.

  6. I'm with you, gmoney. People have had to look at Holly Rowe and Shelly Smith for far too long that they now think Mowatt would be a hot sideline reporter. Rachel Nichols has benefitted from the same dynamic.

  7. Kind of sad when a young college girl's biggest ambition is to be the next flavor of the month sideline reporter.

    Miss Mowatt should remember Jill Arrington. She was the hot thing at one point, where is she now?

  8. I betcha someone out in the blogosphere thinks Jeannine Edwards and Amy Nelson are attractive. Of course, that person would be blind.

  9. Or they just have as different taste in women.


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