Monday, June 02, 2008

Madden 2009 Releases Team And QB Ratings

The video game world is abuzz today with the release of some of the rankings for Madden 2009. The early indications are that Madden did a pretty good job with the team rankings but the QB ones are a little jacked up. First the teams via Shutdown Corner...

Everything looks pretty good, but there's no way the Vikings should be a 90. I'll let the Eagles be ranked higher than the Skins but not the Vikings. Especially when Washington hung 32 on the team when they could have locked up a Playoff spot. Anywho, homerism aside those look pretty spot on. Now onto the QBs via Sports Gamer (click for larger view).....

Okay, a few quick thoughts here. Rex Grossman has an 84 in accuracy?!?! That's news to me. Also, Chad Pennington has an 82 in arm strength? He must be only allowed to throw 10 yard outs in the game. Other than that....Derek Anderson seems to have been shafted a bit and Tom Brady is officially the best quarterback, and Tavaris Jackson is the worst the game has ever seen.

Madden '09 likes the Patriots, but not Tarvaris Jackson (Shutdown Corner)
Madden 09: Quarterback Ratings (Sports Gamer)


  1. Tarvaris Jackson - 78 OVR, 56 Awareness
    (Rookie) John David Booty - 77, 62 awareness

    The really must not like Jackson and really think alot of Booty, a 5th Round Pick.
    Looks like the Vikings QBs suck this year again. Oh well, the rest of the team looks good at least.

  2. Oh, and the Vikings are definitely 90 material. Call me a homer if you want, but just take a look at our defense and you'll see.

    DE Jared Allen (NFL's sack leader)
    DT Kevin Williams (Pro Bowl)
    DT Pat Williams (Pro Bowl)

    3/4 making the pro bowl is pretty dang good. The one thing we needed was a pass rusher and we got him in Allen. We improved our secondary with two new safeties in Williams and Johnson, which will help our pass coverage.

    On offense we have All Day, a new receiver in Berrian, and a pretty good offensive line. QB is a big question mark but the ratings in Madden do reflect that.

    The rest of the team, as a whole, is solid. 90 is definitely a worthy rating.

  3. Wait a minute.

    "Everything looks pretty good, but there's no way the Vikings should be a 90. I'll let the Eagles be ranked higher than the Skins but not the Vikings. Especially when they hung 32 on the team when they could have locked up a Playoff spot."

    Are the Vikings overrated or underrated? Who's "they", "the team"? Clarity in writing is your friend, but your clearest sentence in this bit (the second) isn't that clear.

  4. Guess Madden has traded his man-crush from Favre to Purple Jesus.

  5. Anyone else notice that Dennis Dixon only has a speed rating of 60?

  6. wait wait wait, Matt Ryan is a 83? He's never played a game in the NFL and yet is ranked ahead of Trent Edwards, Tavaris Jackson, Rex Grossman, Pennington, Aaron Rodgers and right behind Kitna, the same level as Campbell. That's ridiculous. Matt Ryan will not be that good, especially with Atlanta's o-line.

  7. Dixon's speed rating must be on one leg, he's faster than that with both of them.

    Philly is waaay to high, 87 tops. I know they've got McNabb, but that team is on the verge of falling fast.

  8. If Carson Palmer is a 96 then I must be a 100. The dude sucks.

  9. @ Morgan Wick

    Did you even watch the NFL last season? It's pretty obvious that he's referring to the Skins beating the Vikings 32-21 in week 16. Had the Vikings one they would have clinched a playoff spot. It was a pretty big game for the NFC wildcard race... you probably should've heard about it.

  10. Jackson's ratings are good in all the right places. Awareness and Accuracy are the easy improvement ratings.

    His low rating is also why the Vikes are a 90 overall. If he was no lower than an 85 they'd be 93 or 94. The overall ratings are weighted.

  11. Rivers and Romo in the 90's! Gimme a break!

  12. Steve, are you joking? Brees and Romo were #2 and 3 respectively in passing yardage for the season, only behind Brady.

  13. Why shouldnt the Vikings be a 90? B/c they lost to the skins last year?? That makes no sense. If you look at them on paper, they are as good as anyone with the exception of QB. D-line is the best in football, and O-line is top 5. #1 at rushing and stopping the run. Seems like 2 pretty important things. The fact that T Jack is rated behind alex smith, joe flacco, rex grossman, etc is a joke. I guess Micheal Vick was the only "mobile QB" who ever got credit? Also saying hes dumber than most rookies is kinda messed up when you think about it. I expect him to do well this year as a fck you to his critics.

  14. There is a reason Ryan is ranked higher then Rex. Next time you make a point don't use Rex as part of your argument. Like you said Ryan hasn't played a down, Rex has :(.

  15. Carson Palmer does not suck and he should be a 98 or 99. Both of his recievers went to the pro bowl. He also was in the top 5 in passing yards. The bengals rating is low but that doesnt mean anything. can you check those scary recievers

  16. the vikings deserve to be 90 they do have a raw o line and d line yall crazyy mangg. i don rele care bout these other teams its just allll about them steelers boiiii!!!!

  17. How do the Texans get a 78 they should be around an 83 or 84. They are still underrated and what people don't recognize is how good their defense is now with Williams, Ryans, and Robinson just to name a few. Then on the offense there is Andre Johnson and Ahman Green who when healthy is quite good. I have trouble believing that the Bills, Bengals, Broncos, Bears, Saints, and Panthers al are better in ratings than the Texans even though the Texans had a better record than all of them when more than half our team was injured the whole year. To top it all off the Ravens who only won five games are 3 points better. Another classic case of the Texans being shafted.

  18. ok now im going 2 answer every 1 now starting off with Carson palmer shouldn't be ranked a 96 obliviously he is going 2 do good he has 2 beast receiver who wouldn't do good next the Texans should be ranked higher cause in thou they only placed 8-8 half of there team was hurt an now there defense is doing pretty good plus when Andre an Matt was together they beasted now the vikings should most deff be ranked in the 90s probably even the high 90s they have top 3 defense an top 3 offensive line they have young wide receiver who r getting better an the on problem is their QB who is under ranked his awareness should at least be in the 60s com on an now Dennis Dixon is getting cheated like hell a 60 is that a joke they must had not seen him in college he ran past some of the fastest corner backs ok now lets get to how they always make rookies better then some ok players in the nfl if he hasn't even tookin a snap yet how r u going 2 put him in front of som 1 who has taken 100s of snaps ab u got to be jokin me wit rivers in tha 90s he is crazy overrated an my last thing i got to saw wat fuckin idiot would put tha eagles at a 91 they arent that good an that team is gettin bad really fast they still have som weapons but that is way 2 high im pretty sure donaven mccnab is goin 2 get hurt again an there not goin 2 make the plays off

  19. how the hell does Romo have 78 speed?? yeah right, he can't break away for a 50 yard run.

  20. what I don't get is all the bitching about rosters/and stats in this gamme EVERY year... I agree the vikes should be a 90, but TJack sure did get hosed... I mean seriously... some of the bums on the list that are ranked higher are a joke... oh well here's a thought guys... EDIT YOUR TEAM... you are all aware you can actually do that right??? then that way you decided who should be higher/lower etc... not to mention roster updates, etc... etc...

  21. yall are not coaches so stop bitching just edit ur team and play the game it is just a game


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