Thursday, June 12, 2008

Milton Bradley Goes After A Royals Announcer

There are a ton of stories about players getting fed up with announcers and confronting them, but I don't think I've ever heard a story of one doing so immediately following a game.
Milton Bradley stormed out of the Texas Rangers clubhouse after an 11-5 victory Wednesday night over Kansas City and bounded up four flights of stairs looking for Royals television announcer Ryan Lefebvre.

Bradley, who was the designated hitter, heard what he considered derogative remarks made by Lefebvre on a TV in the Rangers clubhouse. General manager Jon Daniels and manager Ron Washington were close behind and intercepted Bradley before he reached Lefebvre.

Upon returning to the clubhouse, Bradley screamed at teammates and broke down in tears.

"I'm tired of people bringing me down," Bradley said. "It wears on you. I love you guys, all you guys. I'm strong, but I'm not that strong. All I want to do is play baseball and make a better life for my kid than I had."
So there was no incident but you wonder what Lefebvre said to set Milton off. Well I just saw the clip on Sports Center (I'll try to get the video), and it doesn't seem like all that much. Here is Lefebvre's description and it matches with what I just saw on ESPN....
"It was a conversation about how Josh Hamilton has turned his life around and has been accountable for his mistakes," Lefebvre told The Associated Press. "Right now, it seems like the baseball world and fans are rooting for him. ... It doesn't seem like Milton Bradley has done the same thing in his life."
I would love to know how Bradley even found out that he was being talked about and who explained what was said to him. The comments weren't necessarily great but much much worse has been said about Bradley over the years. I feel bad for the guy because of his anger issues and he needs some regular help because he obviously struggles at times with it.

It'll be interesting to see if the Royals ask for an apology from Ryan Lefebvre.

Update: TSB has the video I was referring to....

Bradley upset with comments by Royals announcer (AP)


  1. Hey AA-
    Bradley found out cause he's the DH, and was probably in the clubhouse when the announcer made the comments. My guess is he was watching the game when it happened.

  2. AA, apparently the post-game show from the Royals broadcasters was on the clubhouse TV after the game.

    Really, though, this whole incident perfectly personifies the me-fest that is Milton Bradley. It fits right into form. He should really be able to sluff these things off, and again he's made himself the story after his team emphatically erased a four-run deficit (and then some) in the final three innings.

  3. Ah, yes, I'm the same poster as before, the artful dodger is correct in how Bradley heard. I misread the other article.

  4. Until he stops wanting to get in fights with umpires I'm not convinced he just wants to play blah blah

    Interesting parallel drawn by the announcer though

  5. Okay, that makes sense. Seriously would that upset you that much? The guy really has anger issues.

  6. hey, i'm all for thinking milton bradley is a crazy dude, but that royals announcer had no business comparing him to a guy who had severe emotional issues like josh hamilton.

    baseball announcers do this all the time. they comment on players on the visiting team they see six times a year and probably talk to even less than that. i think bradley's reaction was justified.

  7. So, if you had June 11th in the "2008 Milton Bradley Meltdown Lottery", you're awinner!

  8. Indians radio PbPer Tom Hamilton (no relation to Josh) has said worse about Bradley during games. Granted, he got to see Milton's act up close & personal, but he's called Bradley a malcontent, a loser, among other things.

  9. rjbo, Tom Hamilton is the worst broadcaster in the business. He sounds like he's gargling testicles.

    I'm siding with Milton on this one. The guy appears to be figuring everything out and playing the good soldier role, yet people always want to pigeon-hole him because of his past.

  10. Hammy's gotta be better than the monotone Ed Farmer (White Sox) and the inimitable Jim Price (Tigers) on play-by-play. that saying much?

  11. @gmoney

    Past? Really? Sounds like he was dead on about Bradley--past, present, and probably future. Hell Bradley proved the guys point by trying to go up there in fit of anger.

  12. Milton Bradley has been crazy and is now proving that he is still crazy.

    The guy has been booted from three teams because he is an asshole.

    Until this guy gets his anger and emotions in check, he is still far behind Josh Hamilton in the maturity dept.


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