Friday, June 13, 2008

The New York Post Is Still Not Quite Sure Who This Strahan Guy Is

People have been ragging on the New York Post for years, but this piece just made me laugh. Via The Realests comes news that the Post says NBC could be interested in Michael Strahan for coverage next season. There's only one problem. The Strahan they're referring to is a Hall of Fame Linebacker....
Even NBC is getting in line to talk to the Hall of Fame linebacker, who can turn on the charm and talk like a college professor about football. "It's not what he's used to being paid," says one insider familiar with the trajectory of Strahan's new broadcasting career. "But at least he can be assured that he won't blow out his knees on a Sunday morning."
I know it's tough when a TV guy tries to write about Sports but you've got a whole stable of Sports guys that can help you out with that one. I also love how he quotes "an insider", but can't even get the guy's position right.

Also, if NBC hires Strahan to make him the 20th person on their coverage, and puts him with Tiki Barber, I'm going to throw up.

The New York Post: Still Morons (The Realests)
The Courtship of Michael Strahan (NY Post)

1 comment:

  1. I've never met a college professor wax poetic about the NFL. Strahan sucks.


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