Sunday, June 01, 2008

Red Wings Fan Pays An Extra $300 To Get Kicked Out Of Mellon Arena

It always amazes me when sober people purposely get kicked out of Sporting Events for just acting dumb, but this story is worth sharing. Red Wings fan Zach Smith got kicked out of Pittsburgh's Mellon Arena just after the National Anthem for throwing an octopus on the ice. Well young Zachary had a plan....
Then he got tossed. Security guards threw him out. "You're outta here," Smith said they told him. "Come back in and you get arrested." But Smith and his two friends from metro Detroit, who asked not to be identified, had a plan.

They had bought an extra ticket in anticipation of his booting. That's an extra $300 from a scalper. And Smith was wearing a regular T-shirt, instead of Red Wings gear, when he threw the octopus. Outside, he quickly threw on a Red Wings sweater and walked back into Gate 3.

"I feel great," Smith said as he roamed around the arena. "I'm not nervous. Anything with an adrenaline rush, I love it."
Genius. Seems like a waste of $300 to me but whatever floats your boat.

Wings fan throws octopus, kicked out of Pittsburgh arena, sneaks back in (Detroit Free Press)


  1. I've never heard of a fan anticipating being kicked out of an arena before and having a back up plan. That was interesting. I wonder what security at Mellon Arena will think once they hear this story.

  2. LAWL!! Hockey is the best :D

  3. You're a blogger, so $300 is probably a lot to you. Some people have real jobs, and earn a real, legitimate income. He could likely afford a $300 ticket.

  4. And you're a multi-millionaire that reads blogs? What a loser.

  5. I never said that. I'm saying it's not fair to criticize others for spending money they obviously have.

  6. The only thing that is obvious is that he spent the $300 - we don't know if he used cash, credit card, or the semen of some righteous warlord.

    It's an interesting story becasue people don't usually think before they act liek this kid. Relax

  7. How do we know that AA isn't a millionaire and does this blog for a hobby?

  8. It ain't like he is spending his money on condoms for the ladies. Leave it to somebody in Cleavland to root for a sports team in an even worse city then his own. What a dork.


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