Friday, June 06, 2008

So About That Cool (Yet Sort Of Creepy) Magic-Bird Commercial

I tried to get this up during the live-blog but couldn't so here it is now. The Magic-Bird split screen commercial in all it's awkwardness....

I really enjoyed it at first but the whole throwback jersey thing kind of weirded me out a bit. I know that people get larger with age (I'm a prime example), but that was a little disturbing. I still got goosebumps but next time put them in some suits.


  1. Combined weight nearing 600 pounds...

  2. Actually, I didn't mind the throwback jerseys. It's just that sleeveless shirts didn't result in a flattering camera angle in this case. I don't know why.

  3. sheer creepiness because:

    a)Magic gained 75+ pounds since

    b)Bird actually doesnt HAVE the creepy old mustache, thus, making it even MORE creepy.

  4. I can barely make out Bird's voice.

  5. My problem with this piece is that Magic can't hold his head still...Bobbing the noggin ruins the concept...So what that their shoulders aren't what they were twenty years ago...Whose are?

  6. they both blink at EXACTLY the same time...

    now THAT'S creepy


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