Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Update: Kornheiser Gets A Reprieve From The 7-Year Old

About two weeks ago I told you about the 7-year old kid named Tommy who's enemies consisted of one entry, one Anthony Irwin Kornheiser. Well that same day Kornheiser ended up reading the letter on his radio show and said he was going to send the kid a letter. Today, Tommy's uncle (a writer in upstate NY) forwarded an excerpt from the letter and Tommy's response....
In response, Kornheiser sent me an e-mail which said, in part: “Tell Tommy I LOVE Binghamton. I went to school there, as you noted. I endow a scholarship to go to a student on the campus newspaper. I am enormously proud I went to Harpur, and proud to support my school. Of course I made fun of Binghamton. I lived there, and have bonds there, so I can. But please tell Tommy: We kid because we love. And I’ll buy him a spiedie and a beer (when he’s 21) at Sharkey’s any time he wants.”

I forwarded the e-mail to my brother Dan, who read it to Tommy. The reaction was immediate: “OK, he’s off the Enemies List.” But then Tommy’s brother, Patrick, age 9, weighed in. “You shouldn’t put him on the Friends List right away. You should make sure he gets you that spiedie and beer. Until then, he should go on the In Between List.” Tommy nodded in agreement, and in so doing, condemned Mr. Tony to 14 years in friendship purgatory.
Oh snap! 14-years??? That's a long time Tommy. I wouldn't even put Kornheiser in the doghouse for that long. Oh well...rules are rules right? Great story and good for Tony to have fun with it on-air and send the kid a note. I'm pretty harsh on Korny at times for his work, but I do think he's a good person and a great on PTI and Radio. Now his work on MNF is another issue, but we'll worry about that another day.

Kornheiser Removed from 7-year-old’s Enemies List (for Now) (Tim Mollen)
Even Seven Year Olds Can't Stand Kornheiser (Awful Announcing)


  1. What the hell is a spiedie? Is it in the same food group as "steamed hams"?

  2. Will Tony be alive in 14 years?

  3. let's hope not...


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