Tuesday, June 10, 2008

An Update On Evil Mike Breen

Well Mike Breen shaved the goatee and got rid of the band-aid for Game Two, and I posted at the Sporting Blog that there was a rumor of Skin Cancer being removed. Well the same place that had the Cancer item on Friday has gotten the real answer from Breen himself. And while Breen did have Skin Cancer removed from his neck recently the bandage was for something totally different....
In this case, however, it wasn't as life threatening.... and for him, just more embarassing.

Breen told us this morning that he'd smacked his head against the corner of the bathroom door in the hotel room as he shutting off the lights and leaving for the game, and the scalp wouldn't stop bleeding. He was across the street from a hospital, but didn't think it was necessary to go there. He ended up getting a couple stitches from the Celtics' team trainer and had to wear the bandage because it continued to bleed. No makeup could fix it -- in fact, if makeup had gotten into it, there could have been infection.
Well then. That solves that then huh? Good to hear it didn't have anything to do with the Cancer and it was someone just being clumsy like the rest of us.

Mike Breen update (Inside So Cal)
Reason For Breen’s Band-Aided Standup Revealed (Sports By Brooks)


  1. This smells like Breen covering up for some spousal abuse...

  2. Isn't there supposed to be a McDonald's bag involved?

  3. Too bad that only east coast announcers are considered for plum gigs. Kevin Colabro is much better and more entertaining than Breen, IMHO.

    Ask any Sonic fan (however many exist after Starbucks and Bennett drove them away).


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