Friday, May 29, 2009

Introducing The Hastily Made Inside The NBA Commercial

Mike Polk is a bit of an Internet star, after creating a video he calls the "Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video", and TNT actually tabbed him to make one for the Inside the NBA crew. Here is just about the funniest thing you've seen in quite some time....

Now that is entertainment! I think he could have done better on Chuck, but the Kenny part and the "Closer" ending, were both hilarious. Good stuff, but TNT....was it really necessary to bleep out "douchebag"?

'Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism' Video Creator Takes a Moment to Burn TNT (The Sporting Blog)


  1. How long before Mike Polk is on the generic Clear Channel "morning zoo" show doing this for every backwater burb in the mid-West.

    "Come on down to Omaha, everyone..."

    /dying for a Create The Caption AA...

  2. "Ernie Johnson at least he's not Stu Scott. He's not Stu Scott!"

  3. it was a great video...the The Closer part at the end just topped it off

  4. I really liked the Craig Sager game show host on meth schpeel. Now I'm going through withdrawals. What am I going to do without Inside the NBA? Please, NFL you can't come soon enough!


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