Friday, October 23, 2009

Tales From The News Desk: Phillies Fans Are Still Hilarious

Yesterday's big riot story was that a Phillies fan fell off the top of a cab. Well today, it gets even sexier as this crazed fan decides to mocking making love to this NBC 10 reporter....

I really can't get enough of Philadelphians acting like total asses on television. You would think that they'd wait until they won the World Series like last year, but who am I to tell them what to do?

Video - Phillies Fan Dry Humps NBC Philadelphia's Claudia Rivero (Bob's Blitz)


  1. you should have seen last nights episode of IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA

    it was about the Phillies WS last year, and the fans

    hilarious stuff

  2. *remind me to watch that

    stupid Philly fan (not plural, so you keep your panties laid out)...that might be worse than the USC linebacker and Erin least he just danced on her

  3. Why do you care? She was doing a story on partying expect someone to be in the background reading poetry?


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