Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Buck Showalter And The Story Of The Unassisted -Unassisted Triple Play

Saw this late last night on Baseball Tonight and it was just unbelievable enough to pass along Karl Ravech gets hit in the head with a Baseball (he had a helmet on). The BT Crew was discussing triple plays this season including Asdrubal Cabrera unassisted one earlier in the year. Afterwards Buck Showalter shared this story from his days in the minors....

I'm not calling Showalter a liar, but that's virtually impossible. Great story though and nice touch with the Red Sox and Yankees batting helmets ESPN.


  1. virtually impossible"

    Either it is impossible or it is possible.

  2. Things can be borderline impossible asshat.

  3. one thing that is not impossible is that buck showalter is a douche bag. take if from a ranger's fan.

  4. It is virtually impossible for an anonymous commenter to stop being a douchebag.

  5. if it's borderline impossible, that means it is in fact possible. 0.0000001% probability would still be possible... buy a dictionary asshat.

  6. It's a turn of phrase Anon, but I apologize for ruining your day. One question though. What does a dictionary have to do with probabilities?

  7. The hierarchy of AA commenters:

    Fellow Bloggers
    Losers with Blogger accounts, but no blog
    Anonymous commenters who actually add something
    Anonymous commenters who nitpick & tear down
    Race baiting anonymous commenters
    Joe D

  8. stick to posting funny photos AA - your grammar and abuse of the English language is Emmitt Smithesque. you tool.

  9. the only virtual impossibility is AA getting laid. dude, it's ok. God makes some people gay and some straight. we know where you fit.

  10. There's no way that happened. Buck probably spend his holiday weekend trying to come up with that.

  11. How do you turn a phrase?

  12. Morgan wick: You would be 'at the top of that food chain' if you didn't butcher that link.

  13. I believe it. Baseball is a strange game.

  14. Since when is 1985 thirty years ago? His math is as good as his managing...

  15. As a broadcaster at the low levels of minor league baseball, I absolutely believe it's possible... inexperienced players, inexperienced managers, inexperienced umpires. You never know what will happen.

    Yesterday I saw a runner credited with two caught stealings over the course of one pitch... while his team was trailing 7-0!

  16. OK, so basically the runner on first acted like there were two outs, which would be why he wasn't really watching the ball. If that's the case--an overrun by one baserunner and an infield fly--then the story isn't as far-fetched as I thought.
    --Anon trying to add something


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