Friday, May 23, 2008

Desmond Howard Calls Out Kirk Herbstreit

What is in the water these days up in Bristol? You've got Simmons calling his bosses out, podcasters arguing online, and now one of you're College Gameday guys has words for another. From The Detroit News via Fanhouse....
Q. What was your take on the Herbstreit's report when he said Miles-to-Michigan was a done deal?

A. I was in Hawaii doing ESPN, so I had no knowledge of anything. I put the (earpiece) in my ear, and I'm hearing Herbstreit break this news, and I'm thinking, 'You know, things happen overnight, maybe it did.' He's a seemingly intelligent guy, so if he's going to say it, I don't think he's going to go out there and blurt it out. He must have believed what he said. Whether it was true or false, there's no doubt in my mind that Herbstreit believed what he was saying on TV.

Now, should he have dug deeper, should ESPN have dug deeper? Of course. They have a Michigan guy on their crew and they knew how to get in contact with me, but no one ever called me.

It put Les in a bad position. That was wrong on so many levels. As a former player, unless I spoke to that coach and he told me it was cool, I would never have done that because he was still coaching a team that's about to play in a (SEC) championship game. ... His team, the first thing they saw when they woke up was that report. It was not fair to him and not fair to the players. ... And no one from this side of the story (at Michigan), as far as I know, came out and refuted it. The only one who said something was Les Miles that day.
Now the only question is what the repercussions will be for a statement like that. Herbstreit is the face of College Football on ESPN and saying he screwed something that big up (let's face it he did), when ESPN never said anything publicly about the mistake, you're going to get a talking to. Keep it up ESPN, you make this "job" so easy at times.

Howard: U-M may struggle (Detroit News)
Red On Red: Desmond Howard Criticizes ESPN's Reporting (Fanhouse)


  1. First of all, Herbstreit got the story wrong. That needs to be acknowledged publicly. I'm sure Kirk thought he had it right. Just say you made a mistake, Kirk. If you're going to break a story, especially one of this magnitude, make sure you have it right. That's Journalism 101. ESPN as a whole might want to re-take that course.

    Having Desmond Howard on the team and NOT asking him if he has any sources at Michigan was just dumb. Just because Kirk went to OSU and Desmond went to Michigan doesn't mean they don't play for the same team now. Confirm your stories first, ESPN. Otherwise, you can always work for the Boston Herald.

  2. Speaking of Simmons, is he trying to get fired now? Who does entire pieces on random thoughts? That's amatuer shit right there. Even terrible bloggers don't just throw out random ideas and call it a day.

  3. Desmond will enjoy doing games for the #3 broadcast team on the Big 10 Network this year.

  4. 1st of all he most likely had the story spot on. He was just being over zealous. There is no doubt in my mind. He put Les in a situation. Les had to do what he did.

    I also think that Les would have went to Michigan if they did not go to the Nat. Title game.

    If you have a chance, look at the video. When he finds out they got the Nat. Title game, it looks like he knows that he is not going to Michigan. He looked like a person that just had a huge decision made for him. There was no way he could go after taking them to NCAA championship game.

    That is just my take.

    By the way, I am glad to see D. Howard speak up about this.

  5. ethanator,
    you credit Kirk for having the story. then you credit Desmond for speaking up about this. can you walk the fence any more? get the posts out of your ass and pick a side. you can't take BOTH.

  6. ethanator - I agree with your points - I think that is what occurred.

    12:30 - Howard basically says that he thinks Herbstreit got the story right, but that it was unfair to the kids. I'm not sure what your point is.

  7. Of course, Howard will probably lose his job over this, when the Herbstreit the one's that should go.

    Hasn't anyone considered the fact that Mr OSU was intentionally trying to sabotage Miles going to Michigan ?

  8. Thanks LA PR Guy.

    12:30 guy- I am not riding the fence. Herbstriet had great sources. He was just being over zealous. That is fact in my mind, and has nothing to do with the fact that I am happy that Howard is speaking up.

    Just because I did not berate either of them, and you see it as a Ohio State / Michigan thing, does not mean I am riding the fence.

  9. ESPN has a way of glossing over their numerous errors and this is no exception. I guess Howard was hurt he wasn't "included" in the research of the story but I see no purpose in expounding on it to the extent he did. Everyone knows Kirk made the mistake - this is just "unnecessary roughness."

  10. Herbstriet is a jackass period!


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