Thursday, June 12, 2008

Celtics Pull Off One Of The Biggest Comebacks In Finals History, Take Game Four

I wrote the words "wow" and "unbelievable" about 50 times each in the live-blog, but really what else is there to say? The Celtics pulled off one of the biggest comebacks that I've ever seen and arguably one of the biggest in Finals history. They were down 21 at the end of the first, down 18 at the half, 20 in the third and the largest lead was 24.....on the road!

Here's the clip show....

Ray Allen just played out of his mind at the end of that game and looked like a teenager. James Posey hit one of the biggest shots of the season. Eddie House who played terrible at times, had some key rebounds and a three. And most importantly the Celtics overcame the largest halftime deficit in Finals history since the inception of the shot clock and just completely shocked the NBA World.

With all of that said, there was still a ticky-tack call on that Pierce drive and Steve Javie was at the center of it all. I told you that he is a road team ref earlier in the day, and no matter what combination the NBA puts out there at this point, there always seems to be a controversy.

That's not to take anything away from the Celtics who are now one step away from the NBA Championship. Oh and again....unbelievable and wow.


  1. Dont complain about the Javie call, there were several that he and the rest of the crew missed against the Lakers earlier in the game. Pierce definitely sold it, but he was fouled by the great Kobe, who never fouls anyone based on his reactions after the whistle. What a bunch of crybabies the Lakers are. Gasol and Vujacic especially...euro trash

  2. So is the NBA gonna bring Donaghy out of retirement for Game 5 to make sure this goes back to Boston?

  3. The reffing was a joke last night, and it was 90% in the Lakers favor. Let's talk about the sequence where Kobe hacked KG to strip the ball(no call), then Pierce gets openly tripped by NoMeansNo-be (no call), and then Doc gets T'd up for complaining about the non calls. My favorite play of the night might have been Gasol getting beat by Pierce on a screen, and then wrapping him around the waist with his outside arm so he couldn't get by... guess what? NO CALL!

    Let's be real here,... the Lake show got the better end of the calls last night, and while it may have been a soft foul on Pierce at the end, there's absolutely no question it was a foul.

  4. Machine play revolving door defense!

  5. Nice job, Lakers. Way to choke away the series. Any team that can't stop career shitheads like Posey and House don't deserve a title.

    Doc Rivers = worst champion coach ever?

  6. "That's not to take anything away from the Celtics..." Of course it takes away from the Celtics. You mention that a ref made bad calls that helped the C's win a close came. How can you possibly write that, then follow up with the line that you're not taking anything away from the Celtics. That doesn't add up.

  7. The best part was Larry David sitting by the Lakers' bench, looking like he just stepped out of Curb.


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