Thursday, June 12, 2008

NBA Finals Live-Blog: Game Four

Who: Boston Celtics at L.A. Lakers
What: Game Four of the NBA Finals
Where: Staples Center- Los Angeles, California
When: 9pm (ABC)
Why: So Jeff Van Gundy can try to pick up Hollywood women/or for the NBA Championship
Spread: Lakers -7, O/U 191

Here we go again people. I'll kick things off at 8 something and it should be another rip roaring good time.

James Worthy is your in-studio guest today and he's doing pretty good so far. He's always been subdued so I don't expect much. Also, do you think that there wasn't a better marketing partner for the NBA than Haier? The possibilities are endless.

I demand more and newer Wipeout commercials ABC.

"The keys to a Celtics victory tonight is Kevin Garnett."- Jon Barry

Pretty sure that's just a singular "key", but I could be wrong.

Am I the only one thinking ESPN's need to lower the crowd noise so the commentators can be heard a big factor in the decline in Finals ratings? (Via SS Reporters)

I think it's more the music inside the arenas but yes. It's almost like they're yelling at times.

Happy Birthday Marv Albert! (Via Monty)

Oh wow! I had no idea!!! Everyone take a shot for Marvelous. Paul Pierce let's out a nice g'dammit during the intros and we're just about ready to go.

Anybody else notice the intro montage they edited out Johnny Most's intro. In previous intros he calls it "The World Series of Basketball Championship" and the last two games they've left edited out the "World Series" part. Interesting. (Via Anon)

I hadn't noticed, but I don't see what the problem would be leaving that in. I do love that intro though (minus the Miami Heat part). Okay we're ready for the tip. Lakers get it to start and we're underway. Two for the Lakers but Allen counters with a layup. Fisher picks up two free throws and Pierce turns it over and Allen misses a three. Kobe is fouled with the Lakers up two early. He misses the second but a lane violation is called on K-Perk. Wait, a foul. Lakers ball. That was random. Gasol on the dunk after a nice cut....five point lead.

TECH ON DOC! That was quick. Javie Ts him up as he was arguing about a non-call on Kobe. Fisher misses harm no foul. Garnett misses two down low and a beautiful pass to Odom for the slam! 9-2 to open. Rondo stops the run though with a jumper. Odom again and he's 3 for 3 and Perkins answers with a short hook. Rad bangs down a three and the lead is eight for LA. And Odom hits again and Doc needs a timeout. Wow....that's how you start a game.

16-6 with 6:31 Left....

For those interested, Sideout is on MyNetworkTV, a nice choice for commercial breaks. (Via Playoff Beard)

Monnnnnnroooooooe Clarrrrrrk! C. Thomas Howell's finest acting work. Good call. Garnett misses yet another jumper and this might get ugly soon. Kobe misses but Odom rebounds, goes to the line, and draws Garnett's second foul. Time for some PJ Brown action. Odom misses the first, hits the second.

"This is where the Lakers are a dangerous basketball team."- Mike Breen with the Lakers up 14

Right, because most teams when they're up by 14 are at their most vulnerable, cheezmo. (Via Heef)

Pierce throws it away and Rad hits a three!!! 20-6. Kobe swats PJ Brown but a foul is called....looked like all ball. Enh, he got some of the hand.

"Guess what? That's not a foul. That's a good block right there."- Mark Jackson
"What are you talking about?! That is a blatant foul!"- Jeff Van Gundy
"I just wanted to see if you were paying attention."- Mark Jackson

House is off and the lead is thirteen still...make that 15. Fisher hits a jumper. Perkins misses, Odom hits and this is a rout. House bricks another three and Phil Jackson calls a timeout.

24-7 with 3:20 left in the first

TNA has midget wresting on SpikeTV. (Via Swany11)

No way! And Odom hits again....this guy is killing it. Pierce finally hits a jumper to end the drought but Kobe is fouled on the other end. 14 point lead for the Lakers. Another Celtics miss and Gasol is fouled on the shot.

"Mike I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say 2-2."- Jeff Van Gundy

Way to make the viewers change the channel. I'm sure ABC is happy with that one. Ariza to the line. Ariza misses the second but he gets an offensive board.....AND HE NAILS A THREE!!! Good lord. 30 seconds left and House gets a runner to fall. Lakers get what will presumably be the last shot. Gasol is fouled though with 4.7 left and he'll go to the line. Miss. Make. Ray Allen misses at the buzzer and that's the quarter. A 21....21! point lead for the Lakers....

35-14 Lakers after the first quarter

JVG sounds like billy pack calling this game over already. (Via Anon)

This Taco Bell commercial with the rappin dudes is driving me insane. (Via SS Reporters)

Seriously. Aren't they supposed to shorten commercials like that after 2 months?

"When do you bring back Kevin Garnett?"- Michele Tafoya
"Right Now!"- Doc Rivers

Another Celts turnover to start the half and Powe fouls Gasol. Machine misses and Trevor Ariza shoves Posey in the back to collect the board and two. That was a blatant miscall. Ray Allen is swatted by Ariza and he almost picks up another steal....he's all over the place! Garnett finally hits a shot and the lead is 20. KG again and he looks to be on a bit of a roll. Walton hits a three though after missing what seems like 10 of them.

40-19 with 8:13 left in the half

Obligatory Luke Walton is the mole joke (Via Anon)

It's not your night when Trevor Ariza looks like a 4 time NBA All-Star. (Via SS Reporters)

Oooooh Michele Tafoya has Will Smith for a Hancock promo. Greaaaaaat.

Robert Horry is looking thinner and much more peculiar. (Via Avinash)

"The Celtics need some Hancock type energy right now. They need that guy to start to jump up to the sky. Now Hitch was a great movie. Now Kevin James, if there's anyone funnier than Kevin James, I want names."- Jeff Van Gundy

Ugh. Here we go. JVG talking about crappy movies. Another Celts turnover and Kobe is fouled. MACHINE HIT THREE! 24 point lead.

Nooooooooooooorm!!! (Via Anon)

Hahahaha. Was that from Last Comic Standing or is he at the game? Posey misses a three, Kobe misses one as well and Garnett hits a turnaround. Give him the ball every damn time. It's not that hard Doc. Or Allen...who hits the three. The lead is cut to 19 with 4 minutes left and Phil calls another timeout.

Bryant misses and Posey gets to the line. Let's make it interesting guys...please don't make it like a Jacksonville MNF game! Gasol misses and Posey hits a three!!!! A 14 point lead....that was quick. A bad pass for Fisher and a Lakers turnover. Pierce hits a J and it's just a 12 point lead!!! D-Fish ends the run though with an and one. That was fun though. 2 mins left in the half.

Allen misses and Gasol dunks on him at the other end. Posey hits a three and Garnett blocks a Radmonovic shot at the other end. Fisher heads to the line and hits both. Pierce drives and gets Kobe to commit his third foul. He hits both and the lead is thirteen. Another Lakers turnover but PP misses a bank shot. GASOL AND ONE! That was huge. 9 seconds left.....and Rad fouls Rondo for no apparent reason. He misses the first and hits the second. 5.2 left....FARMAR HITS A RUNNING SHOT AT THE BUZZER!!! That hurts and that's the half...

58-40 Lakers at the half

"The Lakers came out to play tonight cause they didnt really play in Game 3" - Mike Wilbon (Via Steve)

What is the definition of "really playing"? Isn't a win a win.

Stu Scott: "We will show you footage of the Zen Master you have never seen before." And I thought the Phil Jackson-Jeanie Buss sex tape was only a rumor. (Via Anon)

Hahaha. That better not be out there. And we're back! Second half gets underway with the Celtics looking to make a game of it. I missed a bit but Garnett hits a layup and the lead is down to twelve. Perkins is hurt...looks like a shoulder. Celtics can't help but turn the ball over and Garnett misses yet another jumper. Kobe hits a three and just like that the lead is back to 18.

68-48 with 7 minutes left in the third

"Flea!...I'm told he's from the Red Hot Chili Peppers"- Mike Breen (Via Sam)

Mike Breen sounds so optimistic whenever Boston gets within 15. (Via The Fourth)

James Worthy: "And how many Finals did you play in?"
Jon Barry: "Well, none.'
James: "And they PAY you?"
(Via MikeT)

And we've got ourselves a game! The Celts cut it to 11 with three minutes left. Another Lakers miss but Garnett commits an offensive foul. PIERCE AND ONE! And he can cut the lead to 9. Unbelievable drive. It's nine. Gasol misses and Garnett is fouled. L.A. isn't in the penalty though...1:30 left.

HOUSE FOR THREE!!!!!!! Six point game. Wow. Kobe misses...Allen with the rebound and he's fouled at the other end. Make. Make. Four point lead with 40 seconds left. Farmar airballs and the Celts get the last shot....OHHHH!!!! PJ Brown just dunked on Kobe's dome!!! 2 point game! Wow....just wow. 21-3 run to end the quarter.

73-71 Lakers at the end of three

"You have Kobe Bryant vacillating from the greatest player in the World and the greatest player on the Planet. What's the difference?"- Jeff Van Gundy to Mark Jackson

Machine misses three and House misses but PJ Brown gets the rebound. Machine commits a foul on Ray Allen with a scissor hold. Interesting tactic. Powe ties it!!! Kobe misses but Powe also misses on the other end. Bryant for two. Great move. Pierce answers and now we're playing! Still tied.

75-75 with 8:47 left.

Odom misses a three and House rebounds. Mike Breen points out how quiet the crowd is....he's right. Garnett misses. Ooooh...pretty jumper by Kobe. Lakers up two. House misses a jumper but Kobe misses a bunny on the other end. Garnett ties it. Odom gets the lead back.

BTW...Simmons called it. A classic. (Via Ed)

Well I think everyone was feeling that, but yes he did. Pierce gets his ankle broken and he's down and Kobe slams one home! 4 point Laker lead with 5:47 left. Posey hits a three and Bryant misses badly at the other end. Still Lakers ball though....Gasol scores. Garnett is fouled down low and he heads to the line. He hits both and the lead is back to one.

The Celtics lead for the first time tonight! Unbelievable....four to go and there's another turnover!!! Celts call timeout.

84-83....3:48 left.

Pierce misses a three but Allen skys for a board. Allen to the rack...GOOD! Three point lead. Machine misses but Odom gets a board...Farmar! Off...Pierce gets the board. Garnett scores!!! 88-83 2:10 left. Insane.

I think Bill Simmons's head just exploded. (Via Tim)

I think mine just did too. Hahahaha JVG just freaked out as they went to Mark Jackson when play started back up. Too funny. Kobe to the line...he hits both. 3 point game. Pierce is fouled and he gets two shots. MISS! Make! Four point game. Pierce commits the foul to give...still Lakers ball. KOBE HITS! Great shot. Two point game...1:20 left....

POSEY FOR THREE! Five point lead.....Fisher hits! Only a two!!! Wow. Under a minute. Pierce draws another Bryant foul. Timeout. 46.8 left...92-89 Celtics. Javie on that foul was a foul but it wasn't much.

Pierce to the line....Make. Make. The lead is five. Gasol get a quick two. Allen with the ball....OHHHHH! What a drive! Allen schools the Machine!!! 5 point lead with 15.7 left. UNBELIEVABLE. Ray Allen just blew by Vujacic! MACHINE IS PISSED!

Here we go...

Machine misses, O-rebound, Kobe misses....rebound Celts....GAME! Unbelievable. I'm at a loss for words.

97-91 Final....CELTS WIN from down 22 in the first, 18 at the half, and 20 in the third. Amazing. Videos to follow.


  1. James Worthy your guest for the evening.

  2. AA, shall we make a drinking game of JVG going off topic?:)

  3. I'm down! If he talks about Alyssa Milano it's a shot though.

  4. Am I the only one thinking ESPN's need to lower the crowd noise so the commentators can be heard a big factor in the decline in Finals ratings?

    Did you guys ever hear Marv Albert in the Lakers/Kings series after Robert Horry's three?

  5. Wipeout....aka ABC's ripoff of MXC

  6. Marv Albert would definitely like (fill in the blank) for his birthday.

  7. It is Mark but it's still going to be badass.


    Wang trying to find consistent release point. - Newsday

  9. The Lakers PA guy isn't as obxnous as the Pistons Deeeeeetroit Baaaaasketball guy.

  10. @ Anon,

    Yeah, but the dude is borrrrrrring.

  11. Since it's still pregame I don't mind saying I love female MXC for some strange reason. Sookii lauwwww!

  12. So Mike Breen says it was an ugly affair.

    Yet the promo guy said game 3 was "thrilling".

    I am so confused.....

  13. Anybody else notice the intro montage they edited out Johnny Most's intro. In previous intros he calls it "The World Series of Basketball Championship" and the last two games they've left edited out the "World Series" part. Interesting

  14. You know, we wouldn't be complaining about being able to hear the PBP guy if, you know, Stephen A. was doing PBP...

    I'm just saying...

  15. @ Anon 9:05, I want less commentator noise, and more crowd noise. You didn't read anything did you?

  16. but nobody wants to hear SAS do play by play

  17. i'm conflicted with ssreporters' icon. espn's logo getting pissed on makes me happy. calvin doing the pissing makes me sad.

  18. why sad about Calvin?

  19. Rivers upset with not getting a foul called?


  20. For those interested, Sideout is on MyNetworkTV, a nice choice for commercial breaks.

  21. Lamar Odom apparently was kidnapped, and his better twin brother Jamar came in and has performed brilliantly.

  22. Jim Durham and Hubie Brown are calling it on the radio, just saw them on press row.

  23. "This is where the Lakers are a dangerous basketball team."

    Right, because most teams when they're up by 14 are at their most vulnerable, cheezmo.

  24. JVG, tell me how is that a foul?

  25. Dude too a full swing. You will almost never get that call. He even hit him on the forearm and wrist.

  26. This Taco Bell commercial with the rappin dudes is driving me insane.

  27. TNA has midget wresting on SpikeTV.

  28. $10 says you go to the front of the line.

  29. JVG sounds like billy pack calling this game over already.

  30. But if the celtics continue blowing chucks... it will be.

  31. I am going to mow the lawn and change the cat's kitty litter. Should be 5 minutes into the 2nd half and this game will be tied.

  32. obligatory luke walton is the mole joke

  33. It's not your night when Trevor Ariza looks like a 4 time NBA All-Star.

  34. @swany11-Damn! You know you some NBA! Good stuff.

  35. Robert Horry is looking thinner and much more peculiar.

    Jeff Van Gundy is more annoying than ever.

  36. Isn't Will Smith from Philly? Why abandoning the Sixers?

  37. "If there is anyone funnier than Kevin James, I want names." - JVG

    Given how the game is going, I believe we could provide a solid list for Jeff, no?

  38. Free throws were 15-2 L.A. after one. Not one word has been spoken. Celtics suck otnight anyway, but 15-2???

  39. Is the office on tonight or last comic standing?

  40. "Is there anyone funnier than Kevin James? If so, I want names."

    Ok... sure.

    Carrot Top
    Rachael Ray
    Rock Hudson (present day)
    Pat Buchanan
    Ray Lewis

    Need I go on?

  41. Nooooooooooooorm!!!

  42. I can't think of anyone that has better writers than K. James.

  43. and cliff claven! It's a cheers reuion on last comic standing. i guess these guys were available.

  44. You can find five people funnier than Kevin James currently on free TV.

  45. I can't think of anyone who's been lucky enough to be friends with the right people... CBS Wants to keep Ray Romano happy, so they let Kevin James have a show that stays on for almost 10 years, though nobody watched... Adam Sandler needs a new Fat Guy(tm) now that Chris Farley's dead, hey, why not Kevin James?


  46. I am far from the brightest bulb in the bunch...but can someone tell me what the "machine" references to Gasol refers to?

  47. he plays the same big, stupid character as Chris Farley.

  48. That Kevin James line made me want to puke and Swany, it's for Vujacic who's nickname is "The Machine".

  49. For research during halftime:'s Sasha Vujacic: THE MACHINE video blog

    Found it the other day and has sufficiently amused me. End of Blog 3 is the best. I'm surprised they haven't followed up this series.

  50. See...I just proved my point. I don't even reference the right dude. :)

  51. Fixing the link

    If that doesn't work, this is the first in the series:

  52. All this Machine talk dislodged a bad, yet funny, memory...who was that wrestler that had "machismo"?

  53. FYI - Jim Durham filling in for Tirico on ESPN Radio

  54. Austin Power is on TBS... and you know TBS is very funny

  55. Wouldn't it be something if we could get a live look-in on who's hangin' with Marvelous on his B-day. Ratings through the roof!

  56. Did anyone else see Brian Scalabrine in a suit on the second row?

  57. Worthy looks pretty good for having played in the 50's.

  58. Is it me, or has Wilbon lost a ton of weight?

  59. "The Lakers came out to play tonight cause they didnt really play in game 3" - Wilbon

    So, I guess the Celtics felt worse cause they didn't really win against a team that didn't really play.

  60. Stu Scott: "We will show you footage of the Zen Master you have never seen before."

    And I thought the Phil Jackson-Jeanie Buss sex tape was only a rumor.

  61. And I thought the Phil Jackson-Jeanie Buss sex tape was only a rumor.

    Please please PLEASE tell me that doesn't exist.

  62. US Open highlights during halftime of the NBA Finals? At least Stu Scott didn't "double-bogle" the highlights or anything.

  63. Buzz Bissinger just died.

  64. Paul Pierce's awful games 3 and 4 maybe just shows how much he still hates the Celtics.

  65. AA, get a picture of that part with Cannon talking to Magic, caption contest galore.

  66. During a celeb montage:
    "Flea!...I'm told he's from the Red Hot Chili Peppers"-Breen

  67. Mike Breen sounds so optimistic whenever Boston gets within 15.

  68. Down to 15...I smell a game!

    Check's just my sandals.

  69. How is that not a flagrant I? He NEVER tried for the ball.

  70. James Worthy: "And how many Finals did you play in?"
    Jon Barry: "Well, none.'
    James: "And they PAY you?"

  71. I can't believe Scalabrine didn't even dress.

  72. Forget the mole - Lamar Odom is Cheech & Chong!!!

  73. Hopefully we'll have a wild finish tonight at the Garden.

  74. The Celtics will win this game...

  75. I am a diehard Lakers fan and this is not an easy team to like. What a bunch of pansies.

  76. OK...I said it would be a game 5 minutes into the half. Didn't happen until the end of the quarter. My bad.

  77. Zen Master high on something? What kind of frickin answer was that?

  78. ALL of this was done without the services of Perkins. Odom and Gasol disappeared, but they aren't injured. Celtics are clearly the better team.

    Lakers bench will win the series? My butt.

  79. I just really want this series to go seven games.

  80. BTW...Simmons called it. A classic.

  81. Even Charles barkley could call this - the Celtics are the better team.

  82. Boston is allergic to point blank shots to take the lead.

  83. @six-Why be hatin' on Charles, mang?

  84. Mike Breen is in love with Kobe Bryant. I think he wants to have sex with him. The anal kind.

  85. The Chuckster didn't add me to his Fave Five.

  86. I really missed Marv's "Celtics are showing signs..." call tonight.

    Nobody better at calling NBA. Ever.

  87. Please God let the Lakers win. I want a seven game series.

  88. All that ganja for Odom made that hoop look sooooooo far away. Bad stuff man, bad stuff.

  89. This is why you have to try, Kobe.

  90. Kobe looks like he has room reservations in Eagle and his charter is warmed up...

  91. I think Bill Simmons's head just exploded.

  92. Yes, Kobe. Your dream can die. Love it!

  93. Steve Javie with the call. Pierce shoots two. Outside ref didn't see it? Uh huh.

  94. What's that cliche? "This is why we watch"

  95. The Machine "broke down" on that Ray Allen drive.

  96. Did Paul Pierce just say "thankyou baby" to Michelle Tafoya?

  97. actually it was a 24 point lead in the first half and the AP says no team has ever overcome a 15 point first quarter deficit

  98. Wilbon post-game:

    "And Doc Rivers, speaking of left hands, enjoying himself."


  99. No respect for them dirty playing Celtics. Is this crap rigged??


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