Monday, June 09, 2008

Create The Caption #223

(Usually) Everyday I'll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I'm also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.

Last Thursday's Winners....

"Balki and Snoop--Perfect Strangers."- Anon

"Finally, a legitimate still photo from that Denver extraterrestrial video!"- Anon

"David Schwimmer needs a haircut."- Jay

"Oh great, another Jason Schwartzman vehicle...don't fall for it Chris, it's a career killer!"- Anon

Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Phil Jackson talking to the media after Game Two?

Daily Links:

Curt Schilling Talks Kobe (
The Female Reporters Song (Ryan Parker Songs)
Jay Glazer Is Reporting Strahan's Retirement (FOX Sports)
Same With Dominik Hasek (Detroit Free Press)
Calling For Jim Leylands Firing (I'm Writing Sports)
A Heidi-like Situation For A's Fans (From The Dugout)
Sports Novelties That Need To Go (LOCG)
An Interesting Story About A Would Be College Basketball Player From The Sudan (Storming The Floor)
Ced Benson Is Having A Hell Off An Offseason (Rumors and Rants)
The U.S. Tied Argentina? No Way! (The Beautiful Game)
A Nice Fight Breaks Out At Staples Center (Fan IQ)
Carrie Underwood Can Join My Softball Team (On 205th)


  1. So I says to Mabel I says...I'll finish this later.

  2. Are you f'ing kidding me, you're cmparing that wuss to Willis Reed?

  3. Face it....we suck!!!

  4. Phil's giving the arthritis Shocker.

  5. She did Playboy for Christ sakes, why would I leave that? You all saw the tits, I can palm them like this!

  6. Mr. Shorofsky tries to explain his coaching strategy

  7. So I was telling Walton that it wasn't just a little light man, it was WAAAY light, and that I really didn't fucking appreciate being shorted...then I hit him in the knee with a pipe wrench.

  8. Why does everyone keep asking me stupid questions about Coors Light?

  9. And that happened.

  10. So I was hold the crystal skull like this when it started making some high pitched noise and all of the metal in the room started coming towards me.

  11. Phil Jackson announces that, similarities aside, he in fact does not do chicken right.


  12. "I've never seen such officiating. At least not AGAINST my team."

  13. So what's the deal with airline food?

  14. "blah blah blah...triangle offense...blah blah blah"

  15. Like I said, if it weren't for bad officiating, I would be the only undefeated coach in the history of the NBA!

  16. Yes, I'm the one who gave Mike Breen the idea of growing the evil goatee. What? He shaved it off? Great, he's on the Celtics bandwagon too!

  17. I'd rather get swept than listen to Jackson and Van Gundy.

  18. and then I tell Jordan that he should go play baseball...

  19. I really wish Janie would not insist on doing my prostate exam during press conferences

  20. If we lose this series, Kobe is not going to complain one bit this summer. Because he and I are going to spend it on an ashram in New Zealand, questing after truth.

  21. Do I have to throw Jordan in Kobe's number to get an obscene call on the road? Huh? Huh?

  22. I did have sexual relations with that woman...Miss Buss.

  23. Well of course their requests for subsidies was not paraguayan in and of it is as it were the United States government would never have if the president, our president, had not and as far as I know that's the way it will always be. Is that clear?

  24. Buddha never taught about ref's.

  25. yes, yes our defense was like my hair, very thin

  26. Phil Jackson: I know the criticism's coming, people saying - "Coach, you've never won a ring without Michael or the Big Deez." I'm prepared for that.

    Bill Plaschke: Excuse me coach, the Big Deez?

    Phil Jackson: Yes Bill, as in, "Look how big DEEEEEEZ NUTZZZZ look on yo' chin!"

  27. Yeah, well, Shaq's running around in a jockey suit right now, so give me SOME credit.


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