Create The Caption #222
Thursday, June 05, 2008
(Usually) Everyday I'll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I'm also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.
Yesterday's Winners....
"The ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi appeared to help Terrell Owens prepare to battle the media."- Matt
"Are you ready Jerry? I wanna make sure you're ready, brother. Here it is: Show me the money. SHOW! ME! THE! MONEY! Jerry, it is such a pleasure to say that! Say it with me one time, Jerry."- The Dish
"Ahh!!! Did somebody open the Ark of the Convenant?"- Anon
"I get all that popcorn?!?! Hell yeah!! Now I must go see Sex and The City!!"- Michael
Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of The Machine interviewing with Tonight Show correspondent Chris Bosh?
Daily Links:
The Simulators Say The Lakers Are Winning It All (What If Sports)
Coco Might Be Getting A Ball In His Back Tonight (The Sporting Blog)
Dan Snyder Is Going To Own All Of DC Soon (Washington City Paper)
Red Sox Fan Alludes Security (Center Field)
Weighing Chad Johnson's Options (NOIS)
Keep Your Women Away From These Athletes (The Love Of Sports)
This Isn't Going To End Well (Part Mule)
The Best Stanley Cup Celebrations (Puck Daddy)
NBA Finals Tickets Are Pretty Pricey (Merkin Sports)
Poland Might Be Taking Their Rivalry With Germany A Bit Too Far (Fan IQ)
Phil Mickelson's Hidden Endorsements (Simon on Sports)
Also, just a note that there's going to be a Game One live-blog this evening. Be sure and stop by.
Chris Bosh "lost his shirt" when Sasha made that shot, so he wore this ugly blue one.
What, no Blane Harrington?
Long live The Cavalier!
actually the simulation said that boston wins
Bosh: I, Skeletor, shall rule the world with Mer-Man by my side! MMWWUUAAAHHHHHAAAHHAA!!!!
David Schwimmer needs a haircut.
Get ready for the remake of Police Cops.
Finally, a legitimate still photo from that Denver extraterrestrial video!
bosh: are you bionic or something?
zohan: no, no, no, I only like the ladies
- What are you bionic?
- No No I only like the girls
Who the fuck are these guys?
Yes, you will all enjoy Rush Hour 4!
Meet my white friend.... ehhh what's your name again?
They're actually watching the new video of Kobe jumping over the Staples Center.
Balki and Snoop--Perfect Strangers.
Chris Bosh inspired by Jason Taylor's run on Dancing with the Stars is prepping for his American Idol audition.
Oh great, another Jason Schwartzman vehicle...don't fall for it Chris, it's a career killer!
If you're interested, I hold a Caption Contest carnival every week (free links and traffic). All you need to do is submit your most recent caption contest here. If you want to know more details about the whole carnival, I've got a whole explanation at the Carnival of Captions page. Sorry if this comment comes off as spammy, please delete it if you're not interested.
Chris Bosh: Just because your laughting like an idiot and have dreads that doesn't make you high right?