Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Detroit Wins The Stanley Cup In Style

Every year, whether I've watched much of the Hockey Season or not, I watch a clinching game of the Stanley Cup Finals. I watch it not for the action itself (which is always awesome) but for the celebration. There's nothing else like it in Sports.

You celebrate at the buzzer, you shake hands with the other team, you celebrate the Conn Smythe winner, and then you pass the Cup around. Every single league should adopt this policy and credit the NHL. It's the best trophy and the best celebration.

Detroit got to celebrate tonight, and for the 11th team as a team, but it wasn't without a scare....

It goes without saying that Detroit was just too fast and too strong for the Pens, but it was a great Series none-the-less. Let's hope the NBA Finals follows suit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So classy. Right up there with the green jacket presentation in Butler Cabin.

    I love how the NHL, regardless if the road team wins, still presents the Cup ON the ice, whereas the NBA & MLB do it in the lockerroom.

  3. I can never get tired of that, Best type of celebration in sports.

    Like the other commenter said, The green Jacket presentation is really the only thing that ranks up their with the cup presentation

  4. 11th time as a team, maybe?

  5. Mike Emrick committed a massive boo-boo there.

    The Red Wings won the Stanley Cup in 2002, so it wasn't for the first time in 11 years.

  6. Emrick actually says "fourth time" in 11 years... They won in 97 and 98 too.

  7. Looking at the picture, everyone is holding up the #1 hand signal but why is Hasek holding up 2 fingers? Is he retarded? Ignorant?

  8. >>> I love how the NHL, regardless if the road team wins, still presents the Cup ON the ice, whereas the NBA & MLB do it in the lockerroom. <<<

    neither league has done that in a few years.

  9. @gmoney:

    Hasek's holding up two fingers to signify either how many Cup teams he's been on or how many shirts he sold in his clothing store before it went bankrupt.

    Congratulations Wings. Oh, is there a way to keep the Mayor from showing up to the Parade tomorrow?

  10. The shot that went across the goal mouth right at the end would have been too late anyway. But I think it gave just about every Wings fan a heart attack anyway.


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