Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Nebraska Woman Nixes Rose Bowl Tickets To Have Lunch With College Gameday Crew

I know you looked at that title and said, "You have to be shitting me"....but alas.....the headline is true and very unbelievable. Nelva Deeke of Hubbell, Nebraska won a Home Depot contest where the choice of an all expense paid trip to California for the Rose Bowl or College Gameday hosting a BBQ at her house. She chose the cookout. From the Star-Herald via Fanhouse....
"I could've gotten tickets, with all the amenities, to the Rose Bowl, but since Nebraska wasn't playing, I decided not to use that one," she said. Instead of a barbecue in Hubbell, Deeke and some friends met the GameDay crew for lunch at a Lincoln restaurant, May 21.

"Rather than have the barbeque, I don't think anyone wants to come to Hubbell - it's only 50 people - they picked up eight, including myself, (and) we had lunch at Vincenzo's in the Haymarket in Lincoln and the limo took us home."

She described Fowler, Herbstreit and Corso as "very nice", "open" and "friendly".
Friendly?! They should have been worshipping the ground this lady walks on. She passed up Rose Bowl tickets to hang with a bunch of Sportscasters. Unbelievable. As much as I enjoy Gameday there's not a chance I'm passing up Rose Bowl tickets.

Nebraska Woman Chooses Corso Over Rose Bowl (Fanhouse)
Nebraska woman has lunch with 'GameDay' crew (Star-Herald)


  1. Apparently the girl on the far right is a Gryffindor supporter.

  2. I'm not surprised, this hayseed likely has a giant statue of Tom Osborne in her backyard. I bet she hates the forward pass.

  3. I think a big BBQ blowout on your turf is a pretty good deal. Regardless, this lady is a total moron.

  4. what did they make Desmond Howard answer email questions from the RV again or was he their server?

  5. Even though he has nothing to do with college football, I would give up tickets to have lunch with Gus Johnson.

  6. she'd have to pay taxes on the tickets/flight/accomodations etc, so it's not like she turned down a "free" trip. Seeing a live football game is overrated anyhow- especially at a place like the rose bowl im sure.

  7. I might give up Rose Bowl tickets for lunch with the Game Day Crew.

    Of course, there would have to be a guaranteed death match with Lee Corso and Desmond Howard throwing down on Chris Fowler and Kirk Herbstreit's candy asses!

  8. She probably heard a Big-10 team was playing against an athletic team. I'm sure she found that watching Corso attempting to eat between words provided more riveting entertainment.

  9. Are you kidding? Without a rooting stake in the Rose Bowl, I'd take the BBQ just for the opportunity to kick Corso in the nuts.

  10. The Rose Bowl sucks. It's old, decaying, seats suck, and you can't see a damn thing unless you look at the video screen. This is the worst stadium I have EVER been to.


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