Sunday, June 08, 2008

NBA Finals Live-Blog: Game Two

Who: L.A. Lakers at Boston Celtics
What: Game Two the NBA Finals
Where: TD Banknorth Garden- Boston, Massachusetts
When: 9pm (ABC)
Why: So ABC can play songs from every band from Boston ever and/or for the NBA Championship
Spread: Celtics -2, O/U 192 (Series Price: Lakers -175, Celtics +155)

So Bill Russell was just on and ABC showed a piece on Kobe walking around Boston. Both segments were special. They've won 14 combined titles so I'm not going to make fun of them here. Mike Breen has the goatee shaved off and I was told last week that the band-aid had to do with a section of skin Cancer he had removed, so I hope everything is okay there. Things get underway in 10 minutes or so, I hope at least some of you are around this fine Sunday evening.

Was that Russell laughing or one of the ESPN guys? It was way overdone whoever it was. (Via Anon)

Yeah that maniacal chuckle seemed to be coming from Bill himself, but that whole segment was terribly awkward. I'm on board as saying I love this intro, but the fact that Larry Johnson is in it makes me chuckle.

It was one of the ESPN guys. It sounded like Jon Barry. (The Fourth)

Why hating on bands from Boston? Don't you want to hear More Than A Feeling or Shipping Up To Boston again? Well, don't you? Via Steve)

No I don't. Hi Michele! Ever since Kevin Garnett commented on her pink shirt she hasn't switched the color. I think someone has a crush! Here we go....

Boston wins the tip and Perkins picks up a foul in the first 10 seconds. Good start. Odom makes a nice cut and gets an easy two. Perkins gets an offensive board on the other end and the injured Paul Pierce hits a three. Bryant misses again and Pierce is fouled on the floor.

Kobe finally hits and the Lakers go up three, but Perkins hits a nice fadeaway to cut it to one. Pierce and one as he's looking to get to the basket early.

"He's gotten to the basket three times already."- Jeff Van Gundy

Thanks Jeff.

"Gasol tips it out and he says give me a bounce pass."- Mike Breen
"I've been there, you tell the big guy give me a catch."- Mark Jackson

L.A.'s offense is looking good early and Gasol is playing well early which helps them. A tech is called on Garnett after he argued an offensive foul called against him. Seven point lead for the Lakers. Bryant misses another shot and Ray Allen takes it to the basket for two. Timeout with 5:07 to go in the first....

15-12 Lakers

"Get in my poster!"- Mark Jackson

Come on used that for the Garnett dunk the other night. Let's try something new oh and also......GIVE ME SOMETHING BIG, WITHA BUNCH OF MEAT!!! I hate that damn commercial.

The trio is talking about the Paul Pierce injury while Garnett completes a nice two down low. Fisher picks up a foul on yet another Pierce drive and Allen nails a three. Tie game.

"I don't think any athlete is that smart..."- Mark Jackson (Via Dan)

Yeah that was an odd comment about Pierce's injury. Would seem pretty easy to do if you planned it out ahead of time. Allen misses a free throw but hits the second to cut the Laker lead to one. Kobe picks up his second foul after elbowing Allen and he's gonna sit for a bit I presume.....

1:50 left.....19-18 Los Angeles

Interesting fact: Phil Jackson's Finals record is 9-1 in Game 2s. (Via Anon)

Yes, very interesting and those two foul calls Kobe were definitely questionable. Garnett hits another jumper and Boston finally gets the lead.

"This is why we need a seventh foul or no fouling out at all. Why should two questionable foul calls change the entire game?"- Jeff Van Gundy

And now JVG and Mark Jackson will argue for twenty minutes. I don't care either way but whatever makes the refs stop calling fouls in this game is alright by me. Powe misses a pair of throws and Farmar nails a three to put the Lakers back up. That's the end of the first.....

22-20 Lakers

Yeah. No such thing as yellow and red cards. Putz. (Via Ed)

Good point Ed....or penalties in Hockey. They don't change the game at all.

Oh Jeff, with your no foulout rule and that comment, you are still a bitter, bitter fired coach. (Via Steve)

JVG needs to calm down, but the calls have been pretty lame today. (Via The Fourth)

Agreed and he also needs to BEND THE BULLET!

Notice how Breen completely lost track of the game clock at the end of the first quarter? He seemed surprised that the shot was coming at the buzzer. (Via Anon)

Good point and it's Cassell Mania time! Jumpers, Jumpers, and Turnovers!!! Our human interest piece hits two free throws and we're tied again.

"That's how he punished Cassell in Game 1."- Mark Jackson

Cassell gets punished by simple dribbling... and we get punished by having to watch Cassell play. (Via Zak)

Leon Powe is playing out of his mind right now. Eight free throws?! That's what Paul Pierce should have now. He hits both and Boston is suddenly up five....Make that eight! Pierce nails a three....timeout Lakers.

30-22 Boston with 9:40 left in the half

Van Gundy wants to increase the PF max to 7, to avoid questionable calls putting stars on the bench. That's a treatment, not a cure. How about improving the quality of the officiating? We're supposed to change rules to compensate for arrogant, over-reaching refs? (Via Peter Brown)

I think we need Evil Goatee Wearing Mike Breen back to keep JVG in his place. (Via Anon)

Seriously. He's out of his mind tonight and he and Mark Jackson are going at it again regarding who the best offensive Celtics are/were. This is getting old. Kobe hits a jumper but loses the grip on another.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Bob Ryan says Pierce is more explosive than Bird, McHale, and every other Celtic in the history of semi-Irish basketball... this IS a laughing matter, right? (Via Zak)

Yeah I dunno about that one. Pierce is one of the Top Five, but I wouldn't say he's the best. Everyone on that team in the 80s could put up 20 a game if they wanted to. And right now Leon Powe is making a case for himself with another score and one.

"Another pass by Cassell - wow!"- Mike Breen
"That's like two already!"- Jeff Van Gundy
(Via Dan)

Hahaha. Now that's funny. And Cassell bricks a three right on cue! Thanks Sam!!! Lead is six for the Celtics and Kobe Bryant is going gunning now. Perkins with the and one and Gasol is hurt. Quick Pau...go to the locker room for 2 minutes and run back out!

40-32 Boston under six minutes to go in the half

You know what I was just thinking? I wonder what all of the people in the U.S. who had no idea Basketball was on tonight are feeling right now as they realize Extreme Home Makeover isn't/wasn't on.

Sam Cassell must be the Mole. (Via Anon)

Hahahaha. That's a winner right there.

I think the refs called a foul on the Lakers as Leon Powe went to the bench. (Via Steve)

Yeah there's a bit of a disparity isn't there? Kobe misses again and he's just off. Perkins picks up another foul on an over the back.....foul score now 15-8 Lakers. Gasol gets to the line with a nice move and is fouled. Mark Jackson and JVG actually talk about the game and I'm stunned....only a four point lead now.

Mark Jackson should really stick to basketball. (Via Ethan)

Ha seriously. He wasn't bad in Game One, but he and Van Gundy are waaaaay over the top tonight. Pierce nails a deep three and the Celts go up seven and Allen follows with one of his own. 10 point lead and a Lakers timeout. Rondo hit Gasol pretty hard there between the shots and yet another no call. MOOOOORE THAN A FEEEEEELING!

Radmonovic hits a three but Kobe picks up his third foul at the other end. He's not arguing this time as he ran over Paul Pierce on a screen. Pierce hits both and Kobe sits. 1:30 to go....

Gasol owns PJ Brown down low for two, but Pierce counters with a tough jumper. Rondo decides to show up to the game and gets a block and dunk.

"Rondo with the block, Garnett with the release, Touchdown Celtics!"- Mike Breen

Great call. I enjoyed that one Mike. Rondo gets to the line again and hits one. The lead is twelve and the Lakers get the last shot. No good. That's your half...

Score: 54-42 Celtics
Fouls: 17-10 Lakers

Stern's going to have to spend halftime telling the refs how to call a game fairly. I'd like to see him suit up and ref a game. (Via ifiok2567)

"Did he (Pierce) just call her (Tafoya) baby?" - Mike Breen (Via Steve)

And we're back! Second half is underway and the lead is up to 14 now after a Ray Allen jumper.

I don't know... it's been a pretty one sided officiating game... but not the worst. Nobody on the bench has been thrown out for laughing yet. That's pretty much the benchmark, right? (Via Anon)

Definitely. Hey a Kurt Rambis sighting! I miss the glasses.

"You can't get the Magic Man eating popcorn. Come on cameraman you're better than that!"- Mark Jackson

Bryant puts in two after a spin and immediately picks up a technical for arguing the no call. Maybe that will wake the refs up. Pierce hits a three and the lead is now sixteen. This one is getting out of hand. And Garnett gets fouled down low and this reffing situation is just completely out of hand. Lamar Odom might have to choke a ref.

Verne Troyer...Justin Timberlake...I smell Academy Award for The Love Guru! (Via Steve)

Me too. PJ Brown and Lamar Odom get into it a bit and the Lakers decide to try and press. Rondo gets nailed on a dunk attempt by Odom and I think that's the first right call on the Lakers today. Rondo misses the first but hits the second. 15 point lead.

Now that was a terrible call on Rondo. Make up time and Lamar Odom is getting more and more crazy as this game goes on. Kobe is heating up after that nice bankshot earlier. He's got 8 this half. Rondo misses and Gasol hits one on the other end. Here come the Lakers.

68-59 Celtics, 4:29 left

The sheer fact that Radmonovic is guarded Pierce right now should make the Lakers lose this game. The lead is thirteen and Pierce has 23. Kobe airballs a shot and PJ Brown hits a nice layup on the other end. Kobe misses a three, but Farmar gets it and misses. Hahahahaha Odom spikes the ball into PJ Brown out of bounds while he's laying on the ground.

Great three by Allen and then Rondo hits Powe for an oop on the break. The lead is 20.


Him playing in a suit would be hilarious. Odom picks up an offensive foul and that's five on him. The Machine turns it over and Powe jams home another two! Good lord he's playing like a madman.

OH MY GOODNESS! What a fake and pass by Rondo to Powe for the dunk!!! That's your quarter....

83-61 Celtics

"Take em to the streets Rondo!"- Mark Jackson

Farmar starts off the 4th with a three and that should help them get back on track. POWE AGAIN! On the drive this time. Rondo falls down as he shoot but PJ Brown gets the board. They can do no wrong tonight.

Farmar hits another three after a couple of baskets were traded and the lead is 18. Powe gets an offensive rebound and Garnett hits a J. Rondo has 15 assists. Wow.

Anyone else notice the much more distinguished half court line? (Playoff Beard)

Great catch! It was completely missing during Game One and the backcourt calls were tough to make. Lead is 23 and the Lakers should just pack it in at this point. Kobe misses an oop and stares down the refs on the way back up the court.

"Dr. J, wherever you are listening I apologize for my partner Mark Jackson making the statement that Leon Powe reminds him of you in a dunk contest. That could be the most embarrassing statement uttered on the ABC airwaves."- Jeff Van Gundy

"So many reality shows, so little time."- Jeff Van Gundy

Here he goes. 99-86 with under three to go. Kobe nails a three and don't look now but this one isn't quite over yet. 11 point lead. After the timeout Bryant hits a jumped to cut it to two. Pierce answers on the other end and Kobe hits another one. Nine point game 1:30 left.

Machine hits three! 104-98 with 1:22 left. Unbelievable. Radmonovic steals it and dunks it home!!!!! 4 point game. Timeout Boston.

Ronodo misses! Rebound to Kobe and he's fouled by Pierce and Bryant to the line to cut it to two. He hits both. Pierce has it up top and he drives....fouled. 22.8 left and PP is going to the line. He hits the first, and the second! 4 point game...timeout Lakers.

Machine for three! Blocked by Pierce!!! And Posey is fouled on the board. First is good....second is good. Fisher misses a three and that'll do it. Everyone can breath in Boston now.

108-102 Celtics and they lead 2-0.

"A wild finish at the Staples Center" - Mike Breen

Hahahaha. Way to end it.


  1. Here we go. Did anyone else hear the unbelievably fake laugh after Bill Russell made the "keep my rings" joke? Just sad.

  2. Was that Russell laughing or one of the ESPN guys? It was way overdone whoever it was.

  3. It was one of the ESPN guys. It sounded like Jon Barry.

  4. AA, in case you haven't been watching Euro 2008 on ESPN, I can sum it up in one word:


  5. I caught two of the games and they weren't that bad, but everyone was right about Julie Foudy....she's horrible.

  6. Doc Rivers inspiring the Celtics to beat the Patriots.

  7. Why hating on bands from Boston? Don't you want to hear More Than A Feeling or Shipping Up To Boston again? Well, don't you?

  8. Will Selva was atrocious..

    The Uefa Euro 2000?

  9. Whoever the other guy was, the blonde one, completely botched and opening as well.

  10. Phil Jackson is a good whistler.

  11. AA, the guy was Steve Bunin.

    Will Selva messed up Andy Gray's name as well.

  12. Decent start for the Lakers so far....Boston looks sloppy.

  13. Luckily Rece Davis takes over after this weekend cause the Belmont Stakes duties are done....

    "Kevin Garnett, get in my poster!"
    -Mark Jackson

  14. "i don't think any athlete is that smart..." really, mark jackson?

  15. AA, have you seen my e-mail with the Tom Hammond Madden commentary yet?

  16. Something tells me that if the Celtics are down by 21, and Ray Allen hits a three, the crowd will go wild.

  17. Yeah I caught that SS....Tom Hammond is borrrrrring. I'll post it tomorrow morning.

  18. I think the refs are hoping the Celtics win too.

  19. But Collinsworth ain't bad is he?

  20. No Collinsworth is pretty damn good. That EA Back Track thing looks damn good, but that might be too much analysis for a video game.

  21. 2 pretty weak foul calls on Kobe so far... I thought superstars were supposed to be able to do that. JVG was right in calling the refs out - seems to be a LOT of whistles at this point.

  22. I heard Spiro Dedes (sp?) is the other finalist by the way for that NFL Network job. It'll be Dedes and Hammond.

    As for this game...the only call worse then that second Kobe foul was anyone picking Big Brown to win yesterday.

  23. Geico - So easy Pau Gasol can do it.

  24. Interesting fact: Phil Jackson's Finals record is 9-1 in Game 2s.

  25. Yeah. No such thing as yellow and red cards. Putz.

  26. "Why shouldn't coaching be easier, they want to fire every guy anyway" -JVG.

    Oh Jeff, with your no foulout rule and that comment, you are still a bitter, bitter fired coach.

  27. Yep, the fix is in...

    ESPN is paying these refs just so they can celebrate a Boston sports team winning a title.

  28. JVG needs to calm down, but the calls have been pretty lame today.

  29. Is it just me or has Jackson and Van Gundy regressed so far in these finals?

  30. Why the human interest piece? WHY? I want to watch some basketball, and during the last seconds of a quarter all I hear is "Leon Powe". I FORGOT LEON WAS EVEN ON THE TEAM. All I know about him I read in your 2006 Draft Day Column, which is HIS NAME (I went through the archive earlier this morning AA, it was an interesting read... both in your writing and insight... Boston had a great draft day, eh?).

    I hate how life gets mixed in with my basketball.

  31. These WNBA commercials make me chuckle.

  32. Notice how Breen completely lost track of the game clock at the end of the first quarter? He seemed surprised that the shot was coming at the buzzer.

  33. I hear you Zak and thanks for the words. At least they got the human interest piece out in the first half. I can't stand fluff in the 3rd and 4th.

  34. "That's how he punished Cassell in Game 1." - Mark Jackson

    Cassell gets punished by simple dribbling... and we get punished by having to watch Cassell play.

  35. Why all the hating on Sam Cassell, elves need their props too....

  36. Turiaf just put his human interest piece in Powe's face, btw.

    I can't believe Breen is trying to argue a blocked shot with Van Gundy. JVG is ripping Breen up.

  37. Van Gundy wants to increase the PF max to 7, to avoid questionable calls putting stars on the bench. That's a treatment, not a cure. How about improving the quality of the officiating? We're supposed to change rules to compensate for arrogant, over-reaching refs?

  38. Hate to say it, but the Celtics are getting all the calls.

  39. I think we need Evil Goatee Wearing Mike Breen back to keep JVG in his place.

  40. Not hearing much from Mark Jackson tonight.

  41. High School Musical doesn't want to die and it's killing me.

  42. HAHAHAHAHAHA Bob Ryan says Pierce is more explosive than Bird, McHale, and every other Celtic in the history of semi-Irish basketball... this IS a laughing matter, right?

  43. I'm calling this game O-V-E-R right now.

  44. "Another pass by Cassell, WOW!" - JVG

  45. "another pass by cassell - wow!"
    "that's like two already!"

    haha at least breen and jvg feel the same way we do about sam

  46. Leon Powe is doing everything that KG *SHOULD* be doing to the Lakers... god bless Doc Rivers. He's an idiot savante here.

  47. "Another pass by Cassell?! Wow!" - Mike Breen

    "That's two already!" - Jeff Van Gundy

    If you have to mention that... yaaay backup PG!

    Powe is actually... doing things. I guess ABC requested that their H.I.P. actually was relevant.

  48. Crap, wasn't finished...

    I said it would be over if Odom keeps handling the ball.

  49. They must be telling Jackson to keep his mouth shut. Same thing happened with Van Gundy in game 6 of the ECF.

  50. Fourth, that was actually BREEN who said that, making it even funnier. Sam Cassell is horrible.

    I think all the problems I've had with the announcing in this game was just made up by the Cassell comment.

  51. Do the Celtics ever commit fouls?

  52. @the fourth - Not at home, evidently.

  53. Sam Cassell must be the Mole.

  54. I think the refs called a foul on the Lakers as Leon Powe went to the bench.

  55. @SS JVG said "no other sport" disqualifies players. Soccer not only disqualifies, but the team goes shorthanded for the duration of the game.

  56. You could see David Stern counting the dollar signs in his head...

  57. Mark Jackson should really stick to basketball

  58. Also, baseball ejects players (and coaches). Hockey's been known to kick some people out too.

  59. @ Ed, got ya. That's why soccer is the best sport ever.....

  60. hero's moment honoring a redsox player? I just threw up

  61. Breen made a really good point. This game doesn't feel close at all. But somehow the Lakers are still within single digits. And Perkins has 3 fouls? Wow.

  62. Befoire the game, if you tell me Gasol is 5-5 and has gone strong as hell three times to the hoop in 18 minutes, I want to know how big the Lakers lead is.

  63. Have any of you guys had that Frutista Freeze? Looks interesting.

  64. If Cassell is the Mole, does that make Leon Powe Hancock? At this point we might as well just assign advertising to each player. Scalabrine is the rapping Taco Bell drive thru guy.

  65. zak: Yes, players and coaches can be ejected from baseball and hockey, but not by rule based upon the number of fouls they commit... as mentioned, the only other sport I can think of that does that is soccer (and perhaps rugby?) with its two-yellow-cards-equals-a-red (which is an ejection) policy.

  66. And Zak, that would make Eddie House Hollow Man, cause no one is allowed to see him in the Finals

  67. The Marine on the diving board reminded me of Ray Allen.

  68. Stern's going to have to spend halftime telling the refs how to call a game fairly. I'd like to see him suit up and ref a game.

  69. You know what... having swtiched to the Cubs game... I don't care how bad JVG and Jackson are, they're still LOADS better than Joe F'n Morgan. They spent half an inning discussing the time of day. Assholes.

  70. "And his (Pierce's) knee looks absolutely fine out there." - Mike Breen

    O RLY?? Surely his knee must be in pieces!

    Insane three by Rad.


  71. You've GOT to be kidding me. Rondo pushes Fisher, Fisher hits ball, foul called. These refs must've been getting a lot of shit from the locals before the game... they want to leave Boston with all their limbs.

  72. AA... that call by Breen is one of the reasons I really like him as a lead... if that was Joe Buck calling it... well, I'd probably have been asleep already.

  73. Why didn't Fisher or Gasol get a call on the last possession?

  74. Same as my last response to you, Mr. Fourth.

    @the fourth - Not at home, evidently.

  75. "Did he (Pierce) just call her (Tafoya) baby?" - Breen

    Yes he did, Mike. Now we know Tafoya is smitten with 2 of the big 3. Now we can just see a post game interview with Ray Allen for the trifecta.

  76. i thought iverson was the answer!

  77. Can you say Menage et trois Ms Tafoya? I knew you could.

  78. So, the fix is in... the question is: who is served by the Celtics being up 2-0? You'd think the NBA and ABC would want a closely contested seven-game series, which becomes much less likely when one team is up 2-0.

  79. Peter, they'll give L.A. their two at home.

  80. @ peter brown

    Not when you do the same thing for the home team in L.A. ...

  81. Listening to Stuart Scott, Mike Wilbon and Jon Barry makes me want to shove a screwdriver into my skull.

    Pretty different than the TNT crew, who I want to grab a drink (and gamble) with..

  82. Irish mafia

    also "Cassell only shoots when he has the ball"? Priceless. If JVG wasn't part of this announcing team, it would honestly be boring as dry toast. He might be a bitter, delusional, mentally retarded ex-coach. But that's the point.

  83. This has truly been the single-worst officiated game I've ever seen. Yes, I'm a Laker fan, but I don't understand how referees can be so blatantly one-sided that most of the country is recognizing it. I'm so livid right now I don't know to do with myself.

  84. If you thought Powe was getting too many calls BEFORE that heartwarming piece.....

  85. I don't know... it's been a pretty one sided officiating game... but not the worst. Nobody on the bench has been thrown out for laughing yet. That's pretty much the benchmark, right?

  86. Leon Powe may be the first ever backup center to get 20 free throws in a game....

  87. From ESPN conversation:

    "Yeah, that was really weird how they'd have a special for a player nobody's ever heard of during a live broadcast right after he's had his FIRST decent half in the playoffs.

    Really convenient."

  88. Was that Mel Gibson seated behind Kurt Rambis?!

  89. WTF... Kurt Rambis should always be sporting the goggles, even as a coach.

  90. Did Magic go with the extra butter on his popcorn... yes. yes he did.

  91. "Magic loves his popcorn just like Jeff" - Breen

    "You can't get the Magic man eating popcorn cameraman, you're better than that" - Jackson

  92. *Magic slowly puts the popcorn down, glaring angrily at the cameraman for eying his food*

  93. Ken Tremendous needs a "Fire Van Gundy" blog.

  94. Magic loves the popcorn...hey I wonder if Magic Johnson's money can make the cameraman get away from the popcorn, I mean Magic Jonhson's money did cure AIDS....

  95. These refs suck......a lot.

  96. Anyone else notice the guy in the Lamar Odom jersey courtside that won't sit down? Oh nevermind he just did.

  97. Lamar's on the brink of decking one of the these refs.

  98. Blogger ssreporters said...

    Ken Tremendous needs a "Crawford's Officiating Crew" blog.


  99. Verne Troyer...Justin Timberlake...I smell Academy Award for The Love Guru!

  100. Why else did Magic buy create a movie theater chain? It's the popcorn!

  101. If Kobe doesn't get started after that bank shot, he never will. Ever again. Ever.

  102. I do believe that Doc Rivers has just been informed that he will be allowed to dress a 13th and 14th player for the first two games in LA for all the makeup calls the Lakers will get.

  103. More make-up on that call than Mabelline's warehouse.

  104. Yeah, the refs are trying to compensate.

  105. Is Salvatore Bennett on Game 3? Wanna bet he isn't? Simmons was right.

  106. Fourth, you mean Tony Allen?

  107. The announcers need to recognize the fact that Farmar is open on EVERY BREAK, yet no one even looks at him. Is Farmar's paint game that bad that you can't feed him for a easy layup? I don't think so.

  108. Don't get fooled. It's Radmanovich who is the mole.

  109. That throw off P.J. Brown is my favorite play ever.

  110. The refs could not call this game worse if they tried.

    Oh, wait...

  111. Kobe is fuming... I would not want to be a young lady at the hotel he's staying at tonight...

  112. Odom's lost his 'soft' label.. at least for one game.

  113. "Leon Powe. WOW!"-- Mike Breen... I think that pretty much sums up this game, right?

  114. The Machine thinks that little two will stop this massacre. He is wrong.


  115. I wonder how David Stern will even out the series in Los Angeles. Eventually people are going to start wondering.

  116. As a Lakers fan, it pains me to say it, but the Lakes have simply given up in this terribly young series. Give credit to Boston, as they've played hard since the tip of game 1. Wonder if we can activate Ira Newble for the 4th quarter?

  117. Have Celtics ever gone up 2-0 and lost a series. In history?

  118. If the Lakers can come back, I will shit myself.

    Oh, a Laker foul? Surprising.

  119. ^ That previous post of mine 20 times throughout the night is this game in a nutshell.

  120. Anyone else notice the much more distinguished half court line?

  121. Wow. Solid catch, playoffbeard.

  122. Doug Flutie... Vince Young... Donovan McNabb... wow, three terrible QBs in one building. And, do you think Leo called Gisele for lunch or coffee while he was in town?

  123. Great sign of a blowout...

    "Yeah, I saw that in US Weekly!" - Jeff Van Gundy

    THIS IS THE NBA FINALS GENTLEMEN, THANKS FOR MAKING IT FEEL LIKE IT. Although the game itself isn't helping.

  124. "That's 'powe' defense by your team" - Mark Jackson

  125. Scalbrine wearing a leather jacket on the sidelines.

  126. playoffbeard, I vote you for MVC.

  127. Good to know that with Pierce trying that pump three won't work from now on... finally establishing that it's a travel. Although I'm not even positive it is, so idk.sbxuvyyg

  128. LOL @ Scalabrine. Give a brother some playing time!

  129. Maybe I missed something, but why did they show the Staples Center?

  130. Comeback....comeback...


  132. There's one makeup call. Nice travel.

  133. This would be an all-time back-door cover.

  134. jebus... The Celts need more Leon Powe, methinks

  135. I guess Radmonovic is NOT the Mole.

  136. The Celtics need to find the Mole, or they're going to wipeout and end up on a japanese game show.

  137. If Pierce misses the second FT, he is the mole.


    Not the mole. Damn. I wanted a twist.

  139. AA Patrons... do you go for 2 or 3 with 22.4 left?

  140. Well, clearly the play was never let Kobe touch the ball and take a poor 3pt shot...

  141. Welp, that sucks. Wanted a Laker comeback.

    BTW, anyone else notice the Celtic favortism on the clock? Haha, I keed. But really.

  142. "A wild finish at the Staples Center" - Mike Breen

  143. Yes Breen, that would have been quite a finish at the Staples Center considering the game began in Boston.


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