Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This Is Just Not Right

I just can't pass on posting this video on a Tuesday, and you'll ultimately either hate me or love me for it. Actually if you hate it...blame With Leather for the nut shot to end all nut shots....

Oh god. The reverberations from that cable are just insane. Wow.

The Greatest Thing You'll See All Week (With Leather)


  1. Every time I see one of these clips, I say "Good. You deserve it, you moron."(except for the kid that fell 45 feet during the X Games. That was downright scary.)

    /Yes, I'm a cold-hearted bastard, and proud of it.

  2. Anytime anyone emerges from anything wearing only one shoe - something bad happened.

    Tie those kicks tight children.

  3. can you say "natural selection?"

  4. You'll, of course, be playing the role of Sans Testicles.

  5. Agree with the Natural Selection comment - after sterilizing himself, Rocket Man sits down plops himslef down in the street.


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