Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How To Commit Career Suicide In The Motor City

This is a couple of days old, but hilarious none the less. Hockeytown Channel 4's sports reporter Katrina Hancock made waves after Game Five of the Stanley Cup Finals when she decided to say that the Penguins have better fans than the Red Wings....

If you want some real fun click over to the YouTube comments and read a few. Whether she's right or not (she kinda is...come on Detroit you didn't sell out games until the Western Conference Finals), this is definitely not a good idea at all. You can add Ms. Hancock to the list of famous traitors which includes: Benedict Arnold, Judas, Brutus, and my personal favorite....Christian Slater....(1:30 mark)

Detroit Fans Rage In Hatred For Sports Reporter (Busted Coverage)


  1. She's right, Detroit fans are spoiled assholes.

    I live here, I know.

  2. "And I had to promise Katrina that we wouldn't be sending that interview back to Detroit."

    /Insert "Detroit can't afford Internet access" joke here

  3. At least they have a great baseball team!

  4. Like many other Red Wings fans, if I could afford the tickets (plus a tank of gas [I live 2 hours away] plus parking) I would have went.


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