Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Create The Caption #224

(Usually) Everyday I'll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I'm also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.

Yesterday's Winners....

"So I was telling Walton that it wasn't just a little light man, it was WAAAY light, and that I really didn't f**king appreciate being shorted...then I hit him in the knee with a pipe wrench."- Hollywood Wags

"Why does everyone keep asking me stupid questions about Coors Light?"- Jeff V

"Blah blah blah...triangle offense...blah blah blah."- Anon

"Yeah, well, Shaq's running around in a jockey suit right now, so give me SOME credit."- Anon

Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Falcons QB Matt Ryan at the Pro Football Hall of Fame?

Daily Links:

Which NASCAR Driver Do You Think You Could Beat Up? (Yahoo)
About That Non-Offsides Call In Euro 2008 (Unprofessional Foul)
A Poll On Which Editors Would Fire Bloggers (Bloggasm)
The Straw Is Teaching The Mets Youngsters (Deuce of Davenport)
Clemens And The Little Blue Pill (Rumors and Rants)
The Tour-De-France Is Staying On Versus (The Sports Point)
On T.O.'s Drug Testing (Merkin Sports)
Why Isn't Nick Kaczur Suspended? (NOIS)
Sam Rosen Is A Jewish Hall Of Famer! (Lohud)
A Funny Google Ad With A Ced Benson Photo (Chicago Bull)


  1. Maybe if I'm as good as Alex Smith, I'll get my jersey in the Hall of Fame too!

  2. Excuse me sir. Do you work here?

  3. As seen at the Spelling Bee:

    Moderator: Your word is "Overrated Douche".

  4. (Black Boy Speaking): Sir, you're not going to hurt any dogs, right?

  5. "Well, kid, I figured I'd take a tour before reporting to camp, because getting drafted by Atlanta pretty much ensures I'll never be allowed in here again."

  6. D'ya like dags?

    I like dags. I like caravans more.

  7. I'm going for a Rolf Benirschke thing here kid, just check me out. I figure I play a few years, then get out and do the Wheel of Fortune.

    I got it made dude.

  8. Boy oh boy, if only dollars was touchdowns....

  9. Black kid - Wow, this will be the last time I see Matt Ryan on his feet!

  10. Since winning the Super Bowl, Eli's gametape has never been more popular. Obviously, based on body language, it's already paying dividends for Matt Ryan.

  11. (sniff, sniff) "That's right kid, you're looking at Matt Ryan. I got my rookie card right here in my pocket. Do you want one?"
    Kid: "WOW! I love the Goodyear blimp model hanging from the ceiling!" Just where this map in front of me said it would be hanging. "Homey, good luck with that pocket pool thing you got going."

  12. I wish I could be as good as Dameyune Craig...

  13. "Man, Jerious Norwood looks bigger on TV."

  14. Yeah, it boggles my mind too kid. $72 mil and Im not even as good as David Carr. What is the world coming to?

  15. You're looking at the next Ryan Leaf, kid!

  16. My contract is suppose to be in here somewhere.

  17. "Since Mr. Dunn is off the team, could you buy my momma a new house?"

  18. Matt Ryan-"So I'm supposed to put Little Matt in the kid's mouth?"

    Little Kid-"Aww shit, and I thought I was safe when Mike got put away..."

  19. "Don't throw up Matt, don't throw up. Just remember, I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it people like me!"

  20. *looks behind him* Wow Alex Smith is in the hall! I have a chance!

  21. "No, sir, thanks, I think I'll pass on the 'Vick dog collars' exhbit"

  22. Wow look at this exhibit. Its first round busts: past, present and future

  23. Wow, mom, a lifesized bust!

  24. Two Assholes go to the Football Hall of Fame:

    Ryan: chew chew "Hey babe, you like football? You like football babe?"

    Terrified Child: "Mister, your girlfriend left 15 minutes ago."

  25. (Ryan to kid) This is the Travis Henry exhibit, there is a pretty good chance he is your dad.

  26. Ryan:"Why is Alex Smith's jersey in the Hall of Fame?"

    Kid:"This guy is an even bigger dork in person."

  27. Matt Ryan inspects his pre-made exhibit in the Bizarro Hall-Of-Fame

  28. It's good to see the Falcons QB and best WR bonding off the field.

  29. I'm sorry kid, I don't know the directions to Denny's

  30. Someone call the cops, Michael Vick's bitch escaped from prison.

  31. Kid: Whoa, Ryan Leaf! Can I have your autograph?!?

  32. Joey Joe Joe:
    I will take NFL for $1000, Alex.

    Alex Trebek:
    The caption for the picture above.

    Joey Joe Joe:
    What is "someplace you will never see Matt Ryan in ever again."

  33. Kid: But, sir, there's an iceberg dead ahead!

    Ryan: Stop worrying! Our offensive line will hold this ship together.

  34. dude, with that big contract, you better make it here

  35. DAMN.....Madden 2009 DOES look bitchin!

  36. Ryan: Arnold, someday I will have my jersey displayed right here!'

    Kid: "Whatchootalkingaboutwillis?"

  37. Kid: "I don't think taking piano lessons from Joey Harrington's gonna help you any with the ladies."
    Ryan: "What harm could it do?"

  38. I can't believe they have me standing in the NFL Busts wing of the Hall of Fame

  39. "If you're really a rich guy, why are you dressed like Wilford Brimley on a nature hike?"

  40. Matt Ryan thought a trip to Canton would convince Warrick Dunn to come back, but by the end the two could barely look at one another.

  41. I can't believe this is the first and last time I'll ever be here.

  42. "uhhhh, Alex Smith? Really guys? What is this, the Hall of Less than Mediocre?"


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