Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An Update On Van Gundy's Celebrity Crush

So a funny thing happened on the way to get Van Gundy to announce his celebrity crush on-air last last night....he got her name completely wrong. I wonder last night as to why he even brought up Nick "Latchey" when talking about Alyssa Milano, and now we have the answer. He was trying to mention ex-MTV VJ Vanessa Minnillo who is currently dating the ex-Boy Bander.

Hot Clicks' Jimmy T talked to Van Gundy this morning and this was his response....
UPDATE: 11:49 a.m.: We just got off the phone with Jeff Van Gundy. He says he did mean Vanessa Minnillo, not Alyssa Milano. He said Minnillo was sitting behind the broadcast team and "her beauty made me starstruck and I just choked" when Mike Breen asked him which celebrity he wanted to meet. We also asked Van Gundy if Milano was there, would he go with Minnillo or Milano. "Minnillo. That girl, wow," was his answer. When asked if he pronounced Nick Lachey's name wrong on purpose, Van Gundy said, "no, I had no idea how to say his name." Lastly, we figured we'd get a prediction from Van Gundy. "I said Lakers in 6 before the series and I still think it'll be Lakers in 6.
Completely understandable getting choked up by the beauty of either of them if you ask me and no one cares about Nick Lachey anyway. Too funny. Now the only question left to answer is....Who would you choose?

Van Gundy's Blunder (Hot Clicks)


  1. Both? I'm greedy.

  2. Minnillo and Lachey.

    How do you spell E-list?

  3. I'd rather fuck Van Gundy than those two sluts.

  4. Clearly you care about Lachey because you're talking about him

  5. Despite the fact Alyssa Milano has slept with approximately 26.8% of the NHL, I'd still go with her.

  6. Do I have to choose? First come, first served. (Pun intended)

  7. Van Gundy is shy...that is hilarious.


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