Wednesday, May 27, 2009

College Football Live Going On A 50 State Football Tour

I'm normally against the whole "50 State" tour thing, but when you come up with a new angle like ESPN has in this case, it might actually work. College Football Live is planning on going to each state this Summer, but they'll be doing so with a famous college athlete from that location. Via ESPN PR....
Every state has a football story, memorable moment, legendary coach, great players, rivalries, or esteemed high school. ESPN’s College Football Live will offer a daily showcase of the best and greatest of amateur football – college and high school -- from all 50 United States and the District of Columbia with “College Football Live 50 States Tour” from June 1 to August 7.

College Football Live, a weekday afternoon studio show dedicated to college football aired weekdays generally at 3:30 p.m. ET on ESPN, will explore topics specific to every state, including greatest plays and games; and best coaches, players and high schools across 43 episodes. Some episodes will focus on two or three states while select states will be spread out over two shows.

“College Football Live 50 States Tour” will feature live interviews related to the state, including with prominent football figures, current coaches, and local writers. The shows will also include debate between analysts and an online component for fans to pick each state’s best coach, player and team.
Definitely a great idea, and when you look at who's lined up for the first week, you can see why I'm a bit excited about this idea. Here's the schedule for week one....

June 1st: Michigan - Desmond Howard and Charles Woodson
June 2nd: Tennessee - Peyton Manning
June 3rd: Delaware and New Jersey - Joe Flacco
June 4th: Oregon - Mike Belotti
June 5: Oklahoma - Barry Sanders


  1. I hope they get Mo Clarett for Ohio.

  2. What about Vermont? Taylor Coppenrath?

  3. G-Money isn't going to like this, but "amateur" football, my a**! The BCS makes that notion laughable. When they get to Utah, I hope Rece Davis interviews the Deseret News' Dick Harmon because good old Dick will mortify the BCS which Ivan Maisel has sex with every time he opens his mouth. Still, thanks to Derrick Fox who has given the BCS a tremendous problem. Perjury never looked so awesome.

  4. Let me guess

    Hawai'i - Colt Brennan

    it's the only player from Hawai'i that ESPN knows

    (Jason Elam, um....well, i guess that's it)

  5. Who are they going to interview in Washington State? Drew Bledsoe or Steve Emtman? We haven't had a bowl team in 5 years!

  6. i wonder who they will get for Florida... Tebow is too obvious and new... maybe Emmitt Smith? Bowden?

  7. Anyone know when the show featuring Florida will air?

  8. It's Bellotti with two l's, not one.


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