Thursday, May 21, 2009

Linda Cohn Has Her Own Blog/Fan Site

I haven't seen Linda Cohn on ESPN a lot lately, and that very well could be because she's been busy starting her own blog and fan website. It's pretty fancy, with photos, posts from random people and even a forum. Cohn even has posts she puts up herself, which include passages like the following....
Can you believe the Mayor of Buffalo has already given Terrell Owens the key to the city and he hasn't even played a game yet for the Bills! T.O. showed up for Bills minicamp proclaiming he is misunderstood. Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, Dallas and Philly. Oh, by the way, Owens says his welcome by the fans of Bufffalo [sic] was the best he's ever recieved [sic] in any city.

Chucky comes to the World Wide Leader! I could not be happier with ESPN hiring Jon Gruden to be in the Monday Night Football booth with Mike Tirico and Ron Jaworski. Tony Kornheiser can stick with PTI. Gruden will be sensational! Why? He is likeable and genuine and it comes across on the screen. He'll make you laugh and give you his insight at the same time.
Not bad commentary sans the spelling errors, but I'm certainly not the person to chastise someone for a mistake along those lines. Welcome to the fabulous world of blogging, Linda. It's good to have you!

Linda Cohn Fan Club (Cohnhead Fans)


  1. Is she the only member of her own fan club?

  2. She is spending a lot of time on ESPNEWS. A lot...

  3. I got really mad when I saw the sics in this story. Now I know you didn't do them, but with the ridiculous amount of errors on this site you should think about taking those out.

  4. I love this blog, for the record, and don't care about your mistakes (sometimes they are really bad, but not bad enough to post about) just pointing it out is all.

  5. Can she give us private dental advice on her new blog and fanclub?

  6. I used to love Linda Cohn until I got to know her a little better by reading her book "Cohn-Head." Now I only think of her as a slightly mentally unstable person who is very, VERY into herself.

  7. My only qualm with blogs is the lack of copy editing. In order for the masses to embrace the solid journalism that blogs such as this provide, the grammar and punctuality must be shored up.

  8. Linda Cohn will be on the 6PM Sportscenter tonight.


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