Tuesday, June 03, 2008

SI Catches Up With ABC Camerman Who Got F-Bombed By Sheed

I'm a huge fan of Richard Deitsch's Media Power Rankings column, but the latest one had an added bonus. Deitsch actually tracked down the cameraman who received the brunt of Rasheed Wallace's frustration during Game Six the other night.
You don't often read about cameramen in media columns, but at arenas and stadiums across the country, the men and women who perform the job bring memorable shots to the public. Bovee, 36, has worked as a freelance cameraman for a decade and lives with his wife, Alissa, and daughter, Emma, 2, in Allen Park, a suburb outside of Detroit. He shoots the Pistons, Tigers, and Red Wings (he's working Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals for NBC) among other assignments.

"I've had some players be rude to me in the huddle before, but I've never had one throw anything at me," said [Kevin] Bovee, laughing. "That was memorable. He threw the towel at the camera and it covered the lens. It was actually a pretty nice shot. He did me a favor."

Good stuff and he's right. That was an amazing shot and I'm surprised more athletes don't get pissed when those portable cameras get all up in their face.

Media Power Rankings for May (SI)

1 comment:

  1. "An amazing shot"???

    Seriously, AA? That has happened a million times, what's so great about it?


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