Here Come The Erin Andrews Commercials
Saturday, August 30, 2008
You knew it was just a matter of time before some men's product swooped in and made Erin Andrews their spokesperson and the first company to do so is Gillette. The shaving cream company has a campaign through Major League Baseball called the "Gillette Rookie Reporter Showdown" in which 48 guys compete to win....well I can't quite figure it out actually. They do have an entire Erin Andrews section though and are using the following clever tagline for the contest....
ERIN ANDREWS- The hardest-working, sexiest sideline reporter in Major League Baseball® wants YOU!
Get it? She WANTS you! There are about 4,000 videos on the site with random guys doing reports, but it's the actual Gillette ad with Erin Andrews in a Baseball locker room that got my attention. Here it is for your enjoyment!
Again....I'm not quite sure what all of that is for, or what you can actually win, but here is by far the best feature on the site. You can print out your very own Erin Andrews baseball card! Don't think for a second that I'm not going to print this out and keep it in my pocket like Bob Costas does with that Micky Mantle card of his....

Gillette 2008 MLB Rookie Reporter Showdown (MLB)
(Thanks to JT for the tip)
Labels: Contests, Erin Andrews, Sideline Reporters, Sports Advertising, Sports Marketing
I'd like to use some gillette shaving products with her.....but I bet she's all ready beat me to the punch.
Um; ok, whatever...
Yeah who didn't see that coming...?
Get your card to keep Erin "close at hand"...niiice.
I realize this is like saying "the sky is blue," but she is just beautiful. I really am taken aback a bit every time I see a new picture of her. Stunning, really.
At least it's not an Ortega taco commercial.
/Shawn Johnson
These ads really go towards cementing her reputation as a hard-working reporter, don't you think? Look, she's gorgeous, but she'll never be confused as a journalist. Love you Erin, but you're a Hooters waitress without the Wings.
O-U-C-H. Harsh. But hilarious.
I cant wait to see the first person to photoshop that favorite position line.
I'm probably the only guy that thinks this way, but I'd take Wendy Nix over Erin Andrews any day of the week.
She's nice looking, but that's about it. Actually, her face looks sort of... I guess mushed would be the best way to describe it. It's like everything is all mushed together.
All of the announcers are competing to be reporters in the World Series.
Vote for me, Samy Fineman, former Air Force radio DJ and broadcaster!!! My video page and voting tab is here....
Additionally, check out my Youtube video.....
Please vote for Samy Fineman!!!!!!!!!!!!
she looks good in purple....beat her up otherwise if you must.
"favorite position: catcher"
not exactly what i was thinking, but i'm glad it didn't say 'pitcher'