MLB Hires Keith Olbermann As A Blogger

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Major League Baseball has hired a lot of famous people as bloggers in the past (i.e.- Alyssa Milano), but this might actually be one of their better additions. is now employing Keith Olbermann as a blogger, and has even come up with an extremely clever name for his writing space. The "Baseball Nerd"'s a snippet....

Like the relaxed pace and increased interaction of Spring Training wasn't thrill enough. This is the start of my 43rd year as a fan, my 43rd year attending games, and my 43rd year of keeping score. On Saturday in Phoenix, I witnessed, for the first time, a triple play. First and second, Oakland's Bobby Crosby with a solid one-hopper to Ryan Rohlinger of the Giants. Rohlinger unsuccessfully tried to tag elusive Oakland runner Matt Carson, fired to Matt Downs at second for one out, who relayed to Scott McClain at first for another. That's when it became evident Carson had been called out for leaving the baseline. A double play is, of course, scored by writing the position numbers (5-4-3) and circling them. A triple play requires two circles. Making my first "second circle" was the thrill of the spring.
I never knew Spring Training was sooooo beautiful! Good luck, Keith....welcome to the Dark Side!

Introducing the Baseball Nerd (Baseball Nerd)


Leave your political opinions to yourself.

There, it's been said.

GMoney said...
Mar 24, 2009, 4:11:00 PM  

I highly doubt that he will bring political opinions into his BASEBALL blog. He is to smart to do that.
Let's give him a chance to prove us wrong and if he does bring politics into his blog then i'll be the first one to call him

bk said...
Mar 24, 2009, 4:28:00 PM  

One of of of us...

If he keeps politics out of this, this is definitley a great idea. But as is often stated on this blog, sports and politics do not mix, so if he can keep that aside and focus on covering baseball, this is a great idea.

Justin F. said...
Mar 24, 2009, 4:49:00 PM  

He'll keep the politics on the MSNBC blog...

JamesCraven said...
Mar 24, 2009, 5:54:00 PM  

I hope he keeps it to baseball, because that was beautifully written, and I could read writing like that about baseball all day.

Bazooka Jones said...
Mar 24, 2009, 9:09:00 PM  

Keith Olbermann was doing sports on KNX 1070 in LA when I was a kid, loooong before he was doing his political BS, and he was always very entertaining. I welcome him to the blogosphere, give him a chance, will ya?

BS Animation said...
Mar 24, 2009, 11:14:00 PM  

Why do people assume he's going to bring politics into it? He surely didn't do that during his time on NBC football sunday night, why would he do it now? He's surely wise enough to know not to alienate people with opposing political stands, and he's well known in baseball circles as a tremendous fan.

I'm all for the addition.

Unknown said...
Mar 25, 2009, 1:47:00 AM  

I miss the days when Keith Olbermann was on Sportscenter. His one-liners and recurring jokes were priceless.

He's definitely one of the best to have ever graced that show. ESPN should've shelled out some dough his way to keep him around.

As for him bringing his politics to the MLB blog, I don't think that'll happen. He has a vehicle for both of his passions so I can't see him blowing it.

Anonymous said...
Mar 25, 2009, 8:16:00 AM  

He'll bring politics in, he did it during the football season, why would he stop now?

He is a world class douchebag with faggy glasses and weird hair.

E Buzz said...
Mar 25, 2009, 11:25:00 AM  

Let's file this in a way politically challenged olberman can understand:

worst idea ever.

Unknown said...
Mar 25, 2009, 3:40:00 PM  

Listen to the moronic right wing dorks hollywood wags and Michael rant.

I've got an idea for you: how about shutting up and quit assuming things? Sound good? Great!

Unknown said...
Mar 26, 2009, 10:49:00 PM  

Lesve your views of other people's politics to yourself, if that's as reasonable a criticism as you can manage. How about not reading his blog if you don't like him? How's that sound? I wouldn't read Bill O'Reilly's views on baseball, you don't read Keith Olberman. Sorted.

Famous Mortimer said...
Apr 1, 2009, 1:55:00 PM  

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