Chris Berman To Double As Weatherman For HR Derby
Thursday, July 09, 2009
It's amazing to me that this is the case, but for some reason none of the homerun distances in past HR Derbys were reported as they happened. There was always a delay, and the Bermans of the world were left trying to juggle the footage of various bombs. Well ESPN will be adding new technology this year that utilizes Doppler Radar, and will have the distance as the shots land in outfield stands at Busch Stadium. Via USA Today....
ESPN, which will formally introduce its Ball Track coverage Wednesday, will use Doppler radar that's been used to track missile systems. Now, it will allow for superimposed ESPN onscreen comet tails behind balls that will turn green to projects flying balls as homers. Anthony Bailey, ESPN vice president for emerging technology, says Ball Track will also show live a running total of how many feet the still-flying balls have traveled. While ESPN used to take a tedious 30 seconds to figure out final home-run distances, viewers now will get them instantly — and calculations of how far homers would have gone if not inconveniently impeded by a stadium.I still can't believe that ESPN hasn't utilized this technology before, but I guess its better late than never. Hopefully the graphic won't be too over-bearing, and that it will help the announcers stay on track during the broadcast.
Bailey says the radar isn't complicated — setting up the necessary box behind home plate at press-box level takes 10 minutes — and ESPN is looking at using it in games. Tracking base-runners wouldn't work — players don't run fast enough for radar.
Bailey says ESPN will open an "Innovation Lab" at Disney World in September partly to let parkgoers become "instant focus groups" for its experiments. One idea in the works, he says, is having live postgame interviews with players who appear virtually in studios so they'd have "more intimate conversations" with anchors.

ESPN adds new graphics for Home Run Derby coverage (USA Today)
Labels: Great Ideas, Homerun Derby, MLB All Star Game, Sports Technology
Superimpose a neon light so viewers can track the ball?
This idea worked out great for Fox and the Glow Puck.
It's sweet in golf when you can track someone's drive. Maybe this will work.
Suspense in the home run derby? Make me laugh.
Screw innovation, just give me running Kenny Mayne commentary. Preferrably still from McCovey Cove in SF
As a Cardinals fan, the only thing I want to see in the HR Derby is Pujols tanking it. I do not want to see him get hurt, or have him taking a hundred needless swings.
So now we can call HRs before they even leave the infield? I love new technology and it sounds really cool, but doesn't this take some of the suspense and anticipation out of HR Derby?