Things To Do In Jacksonville When You're Horny
Monday, October 22, 2007
Every ounce of credit goes to Chris at Mister Irrelevant for this find. It had to have its own post.....
Fuck me....I can't get over how awesome that slo-mo is. Just watch that 4 or 5 more times. Fuck Russell Crowe....get that guy in the booth.
Jaguar Fans Are Inappropriate, Funny (Mister Irrelevant)
I take it that doesn't smell like tuna
That is so goddamn funny.
See Korny, THAT'S HUMOR PAL, not some stupid face on a stick...
Wags, so should Tony mock eat a plastic vagina out every week???
Great stuff.
"Wags, so should Tony mock eat a plastic vagina out every week???"
If it had a picture of Tom Brady in the center, he would probably do just that.
"I'm Billy Mays for the new Styro Vag, for all your fake huge vagina needs, at sporting events, at church, at school, at work, anytime you need a big fake vagina, Styro vag is there for you."
By the looks of him he's lucky he gets to even simulate licking a vagina.
a Styro Vag for church? that's pretty interesting reverend.