Digger Phelps Wants Your Jobs Notre Dame

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I've really never hated or loved Digger Phelps, but the guy's incessant attempts at trying to be relevant are getting old. First he "tried" to run for President and now he wants to fill Notre Dame's open Athletic Director position....

II: What do you believe makes you qualified for the position?

DP: "I just think when you look at my whole life, I don’t know if you’ve read Undertaker’s Son but what you’ve seen what’s happened to me in my life’s journey, from politics to education to what I’m doing building homes now in New Orleans to carrying the torch that Father Hesburgh has inspired me as a President for 35 years, what Mother Teresa is a nun, he is as a priest. I think Hesburgh a living saint. He’s taught me to be more than just a basketball coach. He taught me from coaching basketball to coaching the streets. I just spoke to the one-year MBA students at orientation. Of the 60 students in that program, four are Notre Dame graduates which means 56 of the students are non-Notre Dame undergraduates, which is what Notre Dame wants in its graduate schools, the same thing Notre Dame wants in its two-year MBA program. I’m speaking at their orientation coming up in August.

"What this university does, especially through athletics as well as academics is to have that balance to where you make a difference in someone else’s life that you have the ability to do that. It’s more than just being accounted, it’s going into the community and making a difference doing that. The 20 years I coached here, the 56 guys who have played for me all graduated and they’ve gone on and become more than basketball players. They’ve given back to communities and that’s the real, true message of what Notre Dame is."
I think going into an interview and referencing your own book is a little weak, but I've gotten by with worse in interviews ("My greatest weakness? Well my greatest weakness is that sometime I'm just TOOOOOOO organized!). I guess it's not a bad answer, but just because I believe I can manage the Redskins Draft and Salary Cap better than Vinny Cerato (and I could).....doesn't mean I should get the job. Wait......

The ND AD Chronicles: Digger Phelps. Yep, He's Interested (Irish Insights)
Digger Phelps, Commander In Chief? (Awful Announcing)

Posted by Awful Announcing- at 8:04 AM


If you include the TIElighter as being TOO organized, then yes that is a HUGE weakness

Unknown said...
Jun 4, 2008, 8:17:00 AM  

I'm sorry, but does he have any other story that doesn't reference him being an "undertaker's son"? It just sounds so stupid.

GMoney said...
Jun 4, 2008, 10:28:00 AM  

Likewise, can the man ever start a paragraph without using the phrase, "when you take a look at...."

Anonymous said...
Jun 4, 2008, 10:45:00 AM  

WHY would you want to be back at a place that FIRED you?
he has NO shame! ridiculous

Anonymous said...
Jun 4, 2008, 11:16:00 AM  

I hate Digger Phelps.

The whole highlighter shtick is moronic, he's a loud-mouthed ass, and all in all seems an insufferable person to be around.

His desperate attempts to be noticed wore thin on me a long, long time ago.

I hope he gets the job just so I don't have to listen to him yap about college basketball.

Anonymous said...
Jun 4, 2008, 3:04:00 PM  

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