Everything Taco Bell (or Joe Buck)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
So we've had some requests to take Joe Buck to task more often (even had someone tell us he was their favorite announcer?!?!). Well rather than "out" the commenter here (and throw him to the wolves) we'll just show you a few of Buck's gems from last night (and he can defend himself, if he so chooses, in the comments).
But before that.....my favorite comment was from a kid in the stands. For some reason FOX is borrowing from the MNF Book of "What can we do that is the most distracting thing possible and nowhere near relevant to the game". They have a Taco Bell promotion where if a player hits the ball into the stands that inning the entire country wins a free taco. Well FOX sent Chris Meyers out to interview people and when he asked a kid about the promotion the kid responded.....
"I'm just out here to watch the game, but I guess a Taco would be nice."- Kid, Booyah! In your face FOX! Please just let us watch the damn game in peace.Onto Buckalicious.....
"Casey down the right field line.....annnnnnd. Foul." Not a bad call or a mistake....it was just said with the inflection of the most monotone person you've ever come across. It makes it seem like Buck is rooting for the Cards but he'd never do that right? Right???
"Casey bounced out to second his last at bat......Up to 44." Umm what? 44 what? Tell me something here Bucky. It was actually Carpenter's pitch count, which I looked up on MLB.com.
"Foul Ball down the right field line is foul." Yeah. Okay.

"The Tigers will have their big bats coming up in the 9th. NeifiNevermind the fact that they would have to load the bases to get their "Power Hitter" Ordonez. Neifi Perez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wha?!?!?!?! Cubs fans everywhere just lost it. Best part of the whole thing was that Leyland pinch hit for the Powerful Neifi in the ninth with Omar Infante. Too funny.
Perez....and then, Granderson, Monroe, Polanco, and Ordonez..."
More on our new found Power Hitter Neifi......
No More Neifi (Thunder Matt)
Why for Gods Sake (Thunder Matt)
Neifi's gone (Goat Riders of the Apocalypse)
Observation of Neifi (Cubbiepalooza)
That Taco Bell is also hiring. So, OSU football players that don't get a job delivering pizzas after their eligibility runs out can get a job there.
And they can have a reunion with some of their old teammates when they show up to rob the place.
If Buck and Timmy aren't bad enough, I switch to ESPN postgame and there is freakin' Berman on the Baseball Tonight set! He butchers the intros, highlights, etc., and cuts both Kruk and Gammons off mid-sentence.
"Uh, sorry Karl, but Boomer wants to anchor the set tonight, so why don't you go back to the hotel and catch a flick on spanktravision on Disney's tab."
I'm no big Buck fan, but I will note here that when he said "up to 44," on the screen was a shot of the in-stadium pitch count scoreboard, which I believe was labeled "Pitch Count." IMO, Buck says just enough as a baseball announcer should -- neither bad nor good.
I don't think he's a very good football announcer, however. But then again, he's probably the best one FOX has, whereas CBS has four I can think of who are superior to Buck: Enberg (the best, still!), Lundquist, the excellent Ian Eagle, and Greg Gumbel (much better than Nantz.)
Dude, how can you harp on Buck when he's got to sit next to McCarver all night. I mean if I had to be in close proximity to that bonehead night after night, my nerves would be completely frayed.
check it
Oh damn. If I knew that I would never have posted it. Just kidding. Good pull BAW.