Sounds Like A Great Place To Detox
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Normally I am not the type to run your usual garden variety police blotter items when it comes to jocks and the sports we love. These things get overexposed on ESPN and, personally, I often feel there's a discrepancy in how they're covered.
But I only pass along the news that Yankees pitcher Joba Chamberlain got busted for DUI in his home state of Nebraska this weekend because of where he was sent as a matter of protocol, according to the Nebraska State Patrol: the Cornhusker Place Detox.
Speeding + open container + 1 AM = bad move, but let's see how this cycles through the legal system. I just think calling the drunk tank in Lincoln the "Cornhusker Place Detox" is frickin' hilarious. I know the state is obsessed with anything and everything Husker, but damn, man. I bet the state would put prisoners in red and white jumpsuits if it could.
Ahahaha, so funny, so original, so clever, so witty.
Not really
The state already puts criminals in red and white jumpsuits. And helmets.