The Fucking First Amendment.....FUCK YEAH!
Friday, September 22, 2006
I'm up fucking late tonight.....and no it's not because I'm fucking turning almost 30 (28) it's because I've been fucking contemplating. That's right folks I fucking contemplate.
(Please skip this next part if you don't like anyone going fucking philosophical on your ass)
The fucking BALCO thing (first of all how the fuck do they deserve all caps?).....I've been avoiding that shit like the plague. I fucking hate steroids, I doubly fucking hate Barry Bonds, and I basically I don't even fucking understand what's going on with the trial. You know why? Because I hadn't fucking cared....until fucking now.Please read this by Wright Thompson of ESPN......Outcome For Chronicle Reporters Means We All Lose
Now I have no idea who the fuck Wright Thompson is (allbeit he wrote one hell of a fucking article), but I know this much.....The reason I get to do what I matter what....ESPN, you, my mom, my pastor (if I had one), or jesus.....thinks is because of the Mother Fucking Constitution.
Now, I am just a blip on the radar screen of fucking of millions of people who read websites everday....shit, I had maybe 500 fucking people here yesterday (2,000 if Will at Deadspin sifts through the 90 fucking emails I send him a fucking day in a poor fucking attempt to link me) But for these two individuals to serve jail time is FUCKING RIDICULOUS!
Fuck Balco, Fuck Barry Bonds, Fuck Michael Rains, Fuck Steroids, Fuck Contempt, Fuck The Justice System, Fuck Greg Anderson, Fuck The Clear, Fuck The Cream, Fuck Gary Shef, Fuck Raffy Palmeiro, Fuck Jason Giambi, and Fuck every other player I can't think of who took steroids.
There's a reason why I can curse 36 Fucking (37) times in this post. And it's because of people like Mark "Bad Ass Mutha Fucker" Fainaru-Wada and Lance "You wish you had Fucking Balls like me" Williams. Just to use the phrase "Nobody is Above the Law" in a courtroom is just plain showboating.
Talk me off the ledge me off the ledge.....
That is quite the rant. I have to agree with you though, they shouldn't be serving jail time. If anyone should be serving jail time shouldn't it be Bonds. After all he is the one that took steroids. Further, he also has made all the HR records a joke basically. He is a cheater and many others cheated. It is sickening even to think about