Erin Andrews Would Like A Word With You About Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I've been trying to decide whether I'm jealous of Jimmy Traina's (Hot Clicks) relationship with Erin Andrews, or just glad I don't have to deal with the fact that we'll always "just be friends" (I'm not speaking for you, Jimmy). Well anyway, JT got his pal Erin Andrews to give you guys some tips on this
made-up holiday wonderful holiday of Valentine's Day.
Everyone listen up and eyes forward to Ms. Andrews.... Candy or flowers?So that's helpful, right guys? Just some candles and wine....easy enough. The one thing that Traina forgot to ask her about though, was the Playboy "Sexiest Sportscaster" contest. The winner is announced today, and I'll keep you posted on who gets the crown for 2009!
Andrews: I'm a candy freak but for Valentine's Day, flowers are the way to go. Flowers are such a waste. You look at them for two or three days and then you throw them in the garbage.
Andrews: NO! I love flowers. It's always special when a guy buys a girl flowers. It a guy doesn't want to do the traditional, cookie-cutter flowers/candy thing, what would you suggest he buy his lady?
Andrews: Well, given the economy right now, I think just fixing up the house, lighting a bunch of candles and getting a few bottles of wine would be perfect. If a guy wants to spend some dough, that's different. But if someone isn't working with a big budget, candles and wine are a good way to go. Good plan. Let's talk about some specific things that are either good or bad. Tattoos. Yes or no?
Andrews: They don't bother me. What if they're covered in them like David Beckham?
Andrews: It's fine on David Beckham. Long hair?
Andrews: How long? Rafael Nadal long is OK. But Bret Michaels long is not. But I love Bret Michaels. What about a guy coming up behind you and dancing?
Andrews: I'd like to skip that question.
Update: Annnnnnd EA has taken the Playboy crown once again....
Stiff competition. A harder format. The pressure of being number one. None of it mattered. America’s Sexiest Sportscaster for 2009 is ESPN’s Erin Andrews, the champ in our poll for the second year in a row. Despite a more challenging, two-round format, which narrowed the field to five finalists, Erin came out on top again. To celebrate her victory, we’ve compiled our favorite YouTube clips of this sexy sideline siren at work, at play and, naturally, ice-fishing. Congrats, EA!2009 Sexiest Sportscaster of the Year: Erin Andrews (Playboy, Sort of SFW)
Erin Andrews On Valentine's Day (Hot Clicks)
Labels: Attractive Females, Erin Andrews, Holidays, Interviews, Randomness, Sideline Reporters, Sports Illustrated
*A few* bottles of wine.
I'm starting to like EA more and more.
Bret Michaels just got a little excited, no?
I love flowers. It's always special when a guy buys a girl flowers.
So, having a star named after you is out? What about a Vermont Teddy Bear?
/listens to too much radio
It's official. She won Playboy for the second year in a if Hugh could only get her in it!maybe one of the "runners-up" would pose instead? Bonnie Berstein?
"a couple of bottles of wine"
Or a couple of bottles of Grey Goose if your woman is Dana Jacobson
Damn. I was pulling for Charissa. Maybe next year.
Flowers have done NOTHING for me. In fact, it's a certain kiss of death. Anytime I get flowers for a lady, it seems like someone else comes along and swoops her away sooner or later. Yet another reason to despise Valentine's Day.
Hey Rick James, what about a pajamagramm? I listen to too much radio too.
Was there an article? I couldn't stop staring at the picture, so i'm not really sure.
Dana is classier than Goose, she pulls Belvedere...
Nice question at the end, fucking SI tool.