Some Stories Are Tougher To Tell Than Others
Saturday, June 16, 2007
(posted by OMDQ)A news story sat on my desktop all day today, minimized, while I wrote about other stuff and tried to figure out the best way to write about it.
It took awhile, but the answer finally came to me:
Sometimes, there are no words - especially when the suggested topic is a 28-year-old husband and father of two who is dead only because his own body failed him.
Because to write about something like that would require an attempt to make some sense of it, and in this case, I don't think that is possible.
Rest in peace, Justin Skaggs.
Dude, what problems do you have? This is death we are dealing with!
I didn't know Bill O'Reilly read your blog AA...
On a more serious(and rational) note; this sucks beyond belief. 28 is much too young to die. I can empathize with his family, because we had to take my mother off her respirator three years ago. R.I.P. Justin.
The Fucking White boy should burn in hell, he's an asshole, and he's a fucked up kid motherfucker!Probably dealing drugs in hell, the fuckface he is!