Stacey Dales Leaving ESPN

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Noooooo! As far as sideline reporters go, Stacey Dales has to be up near the top. She runs down coaches, asks meaningful questions and seems to know everything about the Sport she covers. Well that talent will no longer be gracing the airwaves of ESPN as she failed to reach a contract agreement with the "Leader". From an emailer to Deadspin....

According to an emailer, college basketball and football sideline reporter Stacey Dales could not reach a contract agreement with ESPN for 2009, so she'll no longer be chasing down coaches and players for the WWL. ESPN has confirmed that rumor.

Here's a portion of the email they most likely won't confirm: "Refused to sign her contract, even though ESPN management repeatedly kept re-offering her a chance to sign. Rumor is she had trouble dealing with the travel stipulations of flying coach; while she watched many of her talent colleagues pile into first class."
Obviously that last quote is just a rumor, they fact that she is gone is not. ESPN has since confirmed her departure, and if the rumor actually is true, that would be a crappy way for a company to lose one of their best employees.

Stacey Dales Out At ESPN, Turns in Long Pantsuits and Microphone (Deadspin)

Posted by Awful Announcing- at 11:08 AM


I'm sure she'll be picked up by one of the other networks.

Justin F. said...
Dec 9, 2008, 11:24:00 AM  


Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 11:34:00 AM  

May she couldn't stand working with Paul Maquire any more. I'm sure she lands with FOX or CBS, so she'll be fine.

Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 11:36:00 AM  

ESPN is not broadcast TV. There is no "airwaves of ESPN".

Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 11:39:00 AM  

ESPN on ABC is broadcast

JH said...
Dec 9, 2008, 12:28:00 PM  

I know this is blasphemous, but I'd do Stacey before EA all day long.

Thanks for the link yesterday BTW.

Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 12:30:00 PM  

My bet is that she lands with CBS b/c of her experience with college football and womens and mens basketball.

I had class with Dales at OU the year her bball team went to the womens championship. She was always up for talking about the hoops season. Great personality and even more attractive now than she was then. She'll land well on her feet.

TomahawkFlop said...
Dec 9, 2008, 12:53:00 PM  

She'll have plenty of suitors. Brains, great hustle and drop dead gorgeous translate pretty well for TV. She's also versatile.

bceagle91 said...
Dec 9, 2008, 1:10:00 PM  

She should go to FOX and the Big Ten Network where they value sideline reporters. CBS don't have any anymore save for Tracy "Berry Face" Wolfson on the SEC on CBS.

Mikey said...
Dec 9, 2008, 1:25:00 PM  

i've seen stacy and charissa in person at OSU games this year -- trust me -- stacy is much better looking than charissa and more of a woman.

Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 1:38:00 PM  

I think that walnuts is on to it. I would quit, too, if I had to work with that idiot Maguire.

GMoney said...
Dec 9, 2008, 1:40:00 PM  

...and the sexual enuendos from musberger too.

Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 2:03:00 PM  

She can fly first class on my dick.

Wait. I thought this was Deadspin. My mistake.

Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 2:52:00 PM  

I bet she's leaving to be a sideline reporter for Shiancoe's dong.

Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 3:06:00 PM  

And every red blooded American is now saying this.

JamesCraven said...
Dec 9, 2008, 4:00:00 PM  

nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on espn shell out some bucks its not like you dont have any

chuck said...
Dec 9, 2008, 6:52:00 PM  

Well that explains her not covering any games the past couple of weeks. She can run down coaches because she's in much better shape than most of them. Maybe if she goes to CBS, she wont come to midchest at best on every football player like Wolfson. Wolfson seems very short standing next to most players.

Anonymous said...
Dec 9, 2008, 9:10:00 PM  

I guess she could always go play for the Houston Co... What's that? Never mind.

odessasteps said...
Dec 10, 2008, 2:19:00 AM  

Stacey Dales photos Stacey Dales

Anonymous said...
Feb 14, 2009, 1:18:00 PM  

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