Packers Still Marketing Favre Whether He's On The Team Or Not
Friday, July 18, 2008
I've honestly been trying to avoid Favre over the past few days as much as possible. I think it's only fair for our collective sanity. Well I saw this item over at PFT and thought it was interesting enough to pass along. The Packers recently sent out season tickets and guess who's on the Game One edition....that's right Brett Lorenzo Favre....Now obviously the planned this ahead of time because the Pack are retiring his jersey that night, but how odd would it be if he was on another team? What if said team was the Vikings? Interesting (not really but nothing else is going on).
Packers Season Ticket Holders Get A Surprise (Pro Football Talk)
Whenever ESPN has the latest Favre report (usually a repeat from 10 min. ago), I reach for the remote.
I then promptly land on another Favre report.
How awesomely disastrous would that night turn out to be if Favre ends up A) back in a Packers uniform, or B) in a Vikings uniform? Can they retire the number of the backup QB if he's still wearing it?
I'm sick of this saga, but since it's everywhere anyway, I'm enjoying the potential to watch a trainwreck unfolding: Favre says he won't go back to the Pack as a backup. Green Bay says they've moved on, but they're not releasing him either. Somebody's got to budge in this game of chicken. Favre's agent says "it's Green Bay's move", but it's actually not. They can keep on doing nothing, and Favre can either retire or come back to the Packers, presumably as a backup. Favre doesn't hold the cards, so he may be SOL.
Lorenzo? HA!
Wait a minute, is Favre maybe coming back? I haven't heard a thing about it...
His middle name is Lorenzo? Were his parents big Renegade fans?