EA's Madden 2009 To Have New Game Commentators
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I don't really know what to make of this interview with EA Audio Director Aubrey Hodges over at Gamezone, but this little piece of information should be news to you Madden lovers....
I know it's kind of early in the year but can you give us an idea of what kind of sound changes we can expect from Madden, NHL, FIFA – all the different sports games?Hmm. The game is named after Madden and he has always involved his partner, be it Summerall or Michaels, in the virtual broadcast booth. So are they replacing just Al or both? And if it's both, who will be the new team? Buck and Aikman??? Nantz and Simms??? Oh god no....
AH: I have to be careful about this. Although I can... We are making a change in the Madden commentators. I can't mention who they are. We are using some of the biggest names in the business. We listened to the fans and we are making a change. And that will be more than one. It will be a fantastic year for Madden fans, I think they're gonna be thrilled with this new direction. I don't think I can say much more than that.

Sound Analysis (Gamezone via Deadspin)
Labels: John Madden, Mike Tirico, Tony Kornheiser, video games
AA, was Madden 08 so bad that they had to remake it?
In Hell's version of Madden, it's announced byt the three man booth of Buck, Simms, and Kornheiser.
I always turn the announcers off anyway, so they could have George W. Bush and Diablo Cody for all I care.
In the past couple of Maddens (at least on xbox 360), they haven't had madden and michaels but instead a "radio announcer" that did play by play. I'd love to see anyone back with some better announcing commentary.
Maybe the new announcing team on Madden 09 is going to be Madden and Farve. Or maybe Madden Farve and Kornheiser.
Maybe they will take a page out of CBS' playbook.
Anytime your team plays Buffalo, Miami, Oakland, or Houston when they are out of playoff contention you get Gus Johnson as your announcer.
I hope its Michaels/Madden.
Nightmare scenario would be Bryant Gumbel, Tony Kornheiser, Steve Buerhlein, and Tony Siragusa sideline reports.
It's actually gonna be Bolerjack and Wenzel.
It probably will be the MNF guys, since EA has the ESPN license and they haven't used it much so far. Either that or the NFL Network guys, which means Gumbel and Collinsworth...I don't know which would be worse.
probably multiple crews, with MNF guys calling Monday games, SNF crew on the Sunday Night game, with Troy Aikman calling the early game and some other schmucks calling the late games. It'll be on a high-def DVD for crissake, they could include hours and hours of sound.
I actually think that would be cool if they had the different announce teams for the primetime and late afternoon games, since it'd add extra realism to me, even if there is one I don't like lol
I want to see Wilbon and Kornheiser do the pre- and post-game. Woo!
Madden 08 was already released last year. This wouldn't take effect to Madden 09, or I guess it'd be Kornheiser 09