Brett Favre Retires, John Madden Cries
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Labels: Brett Favre, John Madden, Sports Love, YouTube Video
Dear God, with all of the press coverage, it's as if a former President passed away or something. I'm more affected by the passing of Jeff Healey than this.
@bruce: No kidding. And I'm a Packers fan. I had to turn off Dan Patrick today just to hear people talk about something else.
What time is the SportsCenter special? Or does he not get one, since this doesn't involve New York, Boston, or anything illegal?
First Joe Buck quits the Cards, now Favre quites the Pack. What's next? Berman leaving ESPN???? I can see John Clayton report on it now: "in a package deal, Chris Berman and Dana Jacobsen are going to HRTV where Berman will cover all Canadian tracks and Jacobsen will become a broadmare."
Brett Favre retired and died??!!!!
Oh. He just retired. Meh.
Jeff Healy of The Jeff Healy Band??? Angel Eyes is a guilty pleasure of mine.
Jay Glazer is the man. He is kicking butt on these stories. Even Chris Mortensen had to acknowledge he got scooped on this one.