What Kentucky Really Thinks Of LSU
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
This had me rolling when I saw it, so I had to post it.....enjoy!
Wait......you didn't see it the first time? Okay sorry....I'll freeze frame it for you.
Okay.....first of all.....hilarious. Second.....chick up front......are you getting the Shocker or something???
everybody's such a comedian these days...
Just remember: for every Ashley Judd at a Kentucky game, there's 2,000 of that screaming big-mouthed chick.
I'm an LSU fan, and that's pretty funny. Man, we suck at basketball this year.
I didn't know Rachael Ray was a Kentucky student!
extrapolater, are you serious?
UK has some of the hottest girls in the SEC consistently ranking just under UGA and often times higher than the overrated Ole Miss.
I was actually standing next to the girl up front in that picture. I'm not the guy with the wig, but on the other side. She was going crazy the entire time. She kept yelling at players actually wanting a reply to her questions.
Nice catch! :D