Holy Cow, Tim McCarver Is Excited
Saturday, August 18, 2007

This doesn't have anything to do with Maybin as a prospect. The point was that McCarver reacted as though Jesus had just descended onto the field, grabbed a bat, and taken Clemens deep.
"Eric is right!"
- Tim McCarver's mother
"I stood up in my hottub and applauded him.
I also could have hit it farther. I'm smart and extremely talented, you know."
- Joe Morgan
I like McCarver, but he tends to over-analyze things. However, anybody who can get Deion Sanders mad enough to throw buckets of ice water on him is okay with me.
Did anyone catch the 7th inning stretch? McCarver was a little late coming back to the booth and his partner said he thought McCarver wasn't coming back because he "Pulled a Rizzuto" I thought that was hysterical with Rizzuto just dying this week. I'm sure he didn't mean it that way, but it was funny.
I loathe McCarver...especially when he is broadcasting my team...anyone catch it when he was talking about wearing necklaces and those other crazy things players wear nowadays..he said they were dangerous and players should not be able to wear them...Thanks Tim for your insightful opinions...
when Clemens hit him w/ a pitch in the 6th (7th?) McCarver called him "Curtis Maybin"
only 2 games into his career and he already has a McCarver nickname
My favorite line from that home run is that McCarver claimed it went "430 feet plus." When it hardly made it over the center field wall that is 408 feet away.
"We love Tim McCarver! Whoo-hoo!"
- St. Louis Cardinals fans
"We love him, too!"
- mental ward, Bellevue hospital
Don't you think you're being a little harsh on McCarver? Cameron Maybin is a top-notch prospect and he's going to be a great player.