B.J. Surhoff is a Hall of Famer?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

(posted by OMDQ)

Sometimes, Mother Nature needs to know when to shut the hell up and provide good weather.

Rain interrupted B.J. Surhoff's induction into the Baltimore Orioles Hall of Fame Saturday night (an exclusive group that also includes legendary talents such as Rick Dempsey and Chris Hoiles), requiring him to throw out the game's first pitch after home plate and the pitcher's mound had already been covered with tarps (total bummer, man - not nearly as much fun if you can't at least stand on the dirt of the mound).

It seems weird to write the words "Hall of Fame" and "B.J. Surhoff" in the same sentence, but I will say this for the guy: he was, without a doubt, a charter member of the "Holy Cow, That Guy's Still Playing?" Hall of Fame (a group that has since added Damion Easley, and probably countless others, to its ranks). Seriously, Surhoff always seemed like the type of player who talent-wise should have had a 10-12 year career, but through a combination of hard work and a willingness to play everywhere (the only thing he never did in the majors was pitch) stretched it out to nineteen seasons, most of them as a valuable contributor.

Good for him for making enough of an impact to receive this honor (seriously - Dempsey and Hoiles may be members, but so are Robinson, Robinson, Ripken Jr., and Murray. Good group).

Posted by One More Dying Quail at 1:38 AM


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