The Newest Sports Center Commercial Almost Made Me Cry
Monday, October 08, 2007
The newest Sports Center commercial released today puts our friend Scott Van Pelt in a precarious position. Take a gander....
Why Scottie? You're a good person! Don't let Tony Romo keep you out of that party!!! Stupid Romo! I hope you get picked off 14 times one treats my friend Van Peezy like that!!!
Live-Blog Tonight: Cowboys at Bills.....starting around 8pm. Be there for the worst game ever live-blogged!
You're officially on notice. I've seen a WNBA game live-blogged.
Who's this Tony Romo guy? Never heard of him.
You know. The guy who fumbled a snap in the playoffs and forced the NFL to change the "K-Ball" rules to prove that it wasn't his fault.
Tony Romo is the Joe Buck of the NFL. I'm not taking that back.
gmoney, Did Tony Romo's daddy get him his job too?
No, it was his grandmammy and her whorish ways.
And it will be the worst game ever live-blogged.
Until my God-Damned Saints play the Seahawks next week.
Tonight, will Tony Kornhoser profess his undying love for Tony Romo, making his beau Tom Brady jealous?
Tune in tonight to find out, and puke on your shoes.
Berman's voice is shot.
Again, I'm glad that Tony Romo is finally getting some attention.
And shame on ESPN and the media in general for making him wait 3 NFL starts to begin giving it to him.