Matt Vasgersian Trashes St. Louis

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Look, I'm not one to spread rumors, but this seems like it very well could be true. An email came through the AA wires shortly after the end of the Padres-Cards game last night, and read as follows...

Did anyone catch the Padres TV broadcaster Matt Vasgersian' s on air battering of the Cardinals and their fans? It was live on San Diego Cox Channel 4 tonight in the top of the 9th. He told the Cardinal Fans to get in their El Camino's and go back to the ozarks and then he pressed his cough button and told his partner Tony Gwynn he's tired of coming to this hole and getting their ass kicked and he's not coming back next year, it was barely audible but it could be heard.
I've tried just about every avenue I can think of to get the video/audio. San Diego is obviously going to bury it, and MLB had the Cards' feed for the night. If anyone can validate or disprove this rumor please do so in the comments or feel free to email me.

If this is totally off-base I'll be sure to put up a post saying so, but if something like this was said over the airwaves....we need to shed some light on it.

UPDATE #1: A second source has come forward and has given AA the play-by-play. So this dig at STL looks like it's more than likely true. Here is the whole thing via reader VJ....
8-06-07 Ninth inning Greene hits a double down the line and two fans go over wall to get the ball....Here is broadcast I taped it channel4San Diego...First they are called yahoos.......(Matt V.).........As one of the ozarks finest pours himself out of the grandstands.....pause...and by the way the Rams should still be in L.A.......Had it with this place already.....pause....get back in your el camino and drive back to the ozarks...........Then with Baird at bat Matt forgot to hit his cough switch in faint audio you here......Im done with this place...Im so tired of losing here.....Its hotter than shit......We get our asses kicked every time we come here .....Im not coming here next year.
Wow. Expect some huge backlash today.

UPDATE #2: Okay, I've received a third confirmation that this went down. This is no longer a Rumor Mill item.

UPDATE #3: Officially Confirmed and said in jest folks. I'll leave it at that....until I get the audio of course.

FINAL UPDATE:Vasgersian contacted AA and I've posted his response. Thanks for visiting Saint Louis......AA would love to see you stop back by again sometime. Cheers.

Matt Vasgersian Responds To AA And The Lou (Awful Announcing)
Final Word On The Vasgersian Incident (Awful Announcing)

Posted by Awful Announcing- at 1:13 AM


I hope that's true because his comments are dead-on.

THN said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:38:00 AM  

Ara Parsehegihian.

E Buzz said...
Aug 7, 2007, 9:14:00 AM  

Ha, Matty-V is keepin' it real!!!

GMoney said...
Aug 7, 2007, 9:59:00 AM  

How many times have the Padres won anything? Your football team chockes every year and they have the best runniing back of all time. I hope for LT's sake he can find a new home so he can win something.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:15:00 AM  

The only acurate statistic was actually the one about getting your ass kicked everytime you come to St. Louis. Although that also is an error. The Cards kick your ass in San Diego too! Now excuse me....Im gonna drive my el camino to Rams practice and out those Californian defects!!

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:17:00 AM  

"Keepin' it real"?? Is he keepin' it real by blaming STL for always beating the Padres and having hot summers? Matt V has always been a joke. This just confirms it.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:19:00 AM  

Awww, did soneone piss in widdle Matty's beer last night? It gets hot in St. Louis in the summertime; big fucking surprise. And not every Cardinals fan drives an El Camino, asshole; some of us drive pick-ups or PT Cruisers.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:23:00 AM  

Sorry, STL doesn't have 70-80 degree temps year round, with nice ocean breezes. . . but we'll gladly kick your butt anytime, anywhere. . . Oh wait, I left my El Camino Running. . . BRB

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:33:00 AM  

I want an El Camino.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:38:00 AM  

No shit Burnsy. I'm f'ing jealous.

Aug 7, 2007, 10:43:00 AM  

Next Padres Series in StL we should have an El Camino night.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:45:00 AM  

Hey Matt, you are one step away from going back on Poker Superstars. You are a C rate announcer, at best. You should feel lucky you even get to announce in St.Louis. You are a nobody, a never was, a has been. PS...I turn your voice off in the new MLB game, you annoy me.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:48:00 AM  

Hey Matt, next time you are in STL, I will make sure you know what heat is all about.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:50:00 AM  

Matt Vasgersian is a metrosexual piece of trash..see that SD on his doesn't stand for San stands for "sucks dick"

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:51:00 AM  

Joe Morgan gave Matt Vasdeferensian announcing lessons.

E Buzz said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:07:00 AM  

I'm really hoping Sign Guy is at one of the next two games. He comes up with some really funny shit, especially when something like this happens.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:14:00 AM  

Not only are the Cards and the Rams better teams, our zoo kicks their asses, too! Oh yeah, and even Al Hrabowski's a better announcer than Vasgersian!!!

gimlet said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:21:00 AM  

The El Camino is a sweet ride! I want to sell my trailer and buy me one.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:33:00 AM  

You flyover state people are cute when you get upset. Isn't there a Wal-Mart for you to wander around before heading over to Applebee's?

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:40:00 AM  

Being from Central Illinois and driving my Mercedes to the games, I resent these comments from this jerk. He is just upset about losing all the time here. But that is just what he is ....a loser.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:42:00 AM  

"You flyover state people are cute when you get upset."

See, generalizations will bite you in your ass every time. Flying over my state will put you in the Atlantic Ocean; and I'd rather go blind than shop at Wal-Mart.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:46:00 AM  

"You flyover state people are cute when you get upset."

Quit calling us cute fruitcake. By the way your $150 Khakis make you look gay.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:48:00 AM  

Nice to see "the classiest fans in baseball" get so riled up over a second rate announcer trashing their town. Here's a hint: every out-of-town announcer feels that way about 95% of the places they go. You REALLY think anyone likes going to Detroit? Dallas? Seattle? Baltimore?

Bagging on the host town is the easiest schtick in sports. Let it go.

(And it is hotter than shit in STL. It's called "seasons". Look into it, Whale's Vagina.)

Bouj said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:54:00 AM  

Until San Diego gets past the first round of the playoffs, it loses the right to get mouthy, everyone knows it's just a piss stop on the way to see the donkey shows just south of the border

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 11:55:00 AM  

I'm so glad the anonymous comments are doing their best to disprove Vasgersian's comments about the fine, upstanding residents of the Show-Me State.

Aug 7, 2007, 12:06:00 PM  

I've relocated to Missouri recently and it's hot as shit, and I can't wait to relocate (and I come from SOUTH of Missouri). But this guy is still a pampered douchebag.

Looks like his broadcasting career is going as well as his acting career (see Wikipedia). But that's okay. I'm sure his agent will get him more video game gigs. I mean, he probably still has to pay for his $1.5 million townhouse that is about as big as my garage.

Actually, now that I think about it, his contempt for the Red States should land him somewhere on ESPN's radar before too soon.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 12:17:00 PM  

A favorite pastime of mine has been sitting down by the Current River having a cold frosty one while listening to Mike Shannon call a game from the speakers of my el camino.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 12:23:00 PM  

Class is = defending your local population by making bigoted retorts. Way to show social maturity by calling people 'gay' and making fruity references. How proud you all must be to fitting the hick stereotype.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 1:16:00 PM  

Are you kidding me? Are there any Americans left in San Diego?

Time for a midwest lynching on this pretty boy piece of shite

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 1:18:00 PM  

has anyone ever been to SoCAL? Just left there after living there for 2 years...San Diego isn't too bad but LA probably has the DUMBEST people I have ever met. I dont think anyone there knows how to read(which is confirmed by LA being the 52nd most literate city)...they open their mouths and half the words that come out they themselves dont even know the meaning.

Pwolf82 said...
Aug 7, 2007, 1:26:00 PM  

We all know the worst thing you can do is hurt someone's feelings. Keep going on the ridicullous comments though...the class really shines through.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 1:36:00 PM  

Matt was enormously popular as the Brewers PBP guy and continues to promote Milwaukee as a great city, so any criticism of him as a pretty-boy coastie is retarded.

By the way, it isn't hot as shit here. Thank you Lake Michigan!

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 2:14:00 PM  

Great call Matt, it's something everyone has known for years. St. Louis is in a valley, of course it's hot!

Anyone who thinks St. Louis is hot, has never been to Miami in the summer for a Marlins game.

Day games should be outlawed, but they play on through.

At least in St. Louis the fans sell out the joint in those blast furnace conditions.

You'll never hear Mike Shannon utter that on the air.

You stay classy, San Diego.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 2:27:00 PM  

I'm not the biggest Matty V. fan (living in San Diego I have to hear his overdone homerism daily), but I don't take what he said as more than 1. busting on two particular idiots (every city and every team has its share of idiot fans), 2. hating playing the Cardinals, who in recent years have punked the Pads, which he flat out says and 3. calling it like it is -- St. Louis is indeed "hot as shit," especially when you're leaving San Diego's 79 degrees with barely any humidity.

Kyle said...
Aug 7, 2007, 2:31:00 PM  

It was the first game of a three game series. Both teams are suffering from injuries. Here's the pitching line up.
Peavy (11-5) vs Reyes (1-10)
Maddux (7-8) vs Wells (4-13)
Young (9-3) vs Pineiro (1-2)
Next headline:
"Cardinals still suck!"

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 2:43:00 PM  

Sorry, four game series. My only defense is that I was born in St Louis.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 2:49:00 PM that's funny PadreFan. We all make mistakes...even Matthew.

Aug 7, 2007, 2:51:00 PM  

I wish Tony Gwynn would have commented back, "You're goddamn fuckin right, brother, it's hot as shit in this hicktown." Maybe he did, but he's smart enough to keep his voice down!

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:26:00 PM  

The padres starters had better records than the cardinal starters last year too. It sure helped them in the playoffs huh?

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:37:00 PM  

I've been reading these comments, laughing all the way.

Anonymous said...
2:14 PM He/She used the line, Stay classy San Diego. I think they used the wrong quote from that great movie.

this one works better...

Go fuck yourself San Diego.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:37:00 PM  

Classiest fans in baseball!

Kyle said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:37:00 PM  

Joe Morgan NEVER would have said this!

Joe also travelled with Lewis and Clark.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:38:00 PM  

As a cardinal fan, arguing with a padres fan is about as pointless as arguing with a cubs fan. Neither of you ever win a fuckin' thing. nuff said.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:39:00 PM  

Discovered in 1908 by Joe Morgan, it was called "San Diago," which in Morganese of course means "1976 Big Red Machine World Series Champ Hall of Fame Second Baseman."

Kyle said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:46:00 PM  

I still have no clue how Joe Morgan keeps his job - he is one of the worst announcers in baseball, including Al Hrabosky. Well, Al is probably #1, then Morgan.

I must say, though, Dusty Baker is about to catch up with both Al and Joe. Remember the comment he made last night -, "They're telling me Pujols has been working a lot on his fielding and he'll probably win a Gold Glove someday!" Luckily, the other guy corrected him and told him he won it last year. Do your homework, Dusty! Why can't they all be Vin Scully or Jack Buck?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:50:00 PM  

Say what you will about St. Louis, but why the is Vasgerian hating on El Camino's?

Big Al said...
Aug 7, 2007, 3:54:00 PM  

I would like a demographical breakdown of the number of El Caminos in Southern California against every other state in the US.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:00:00 PM  

Two scenarios come to mind here:

Vasghersian is the Zack Morris to San Diego's Bayside and St. Louis's Valley.

And Vasghersian is the Lemon Tree to San Diego's Springfield and St. Louis's Shelbyville.

One more thing, why would anyone care if some no name local announcer slammed your city???

GMoney said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:08:00 PM  

It is so funny to think that people in SoCal actually believe there aren't any small white trash towns within a 3 hour drive...Barstow, CA is lovely this time of year!! The only bash Matt Vagina had on St. Louis was that it was hot...the Ozarks isn't St. Louis...30% of the fans at Cardinals games arent even from St. Louis...people travel from all over to watch Cardinals games

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:20:00 PM  

Awesome! This guy is my new favorite announcer!

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:28:00 PM  

How did Matt Vasgersian become the voice of all Southern California? When did Barstow (possibly the worst place on earth) become representative of San Diego? Barstow's further from SD than the Ozarks are from St. Louis.

Man, a lot of you getting worked up about Vasgersian's comments (see: pigeonholing an entire city based on a few knuckleheads) are doing THE EXACT SAME THING.

Kyle said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:29:00 PM  

OK, that said, can we get back to bashing Joe Morgan?

Kyle said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:30:00 PM  

Okay's Matt's official response. It seems to be in jest, so don't go getting out the pitchforks....

Vasgersian Responds to AA and The Lou

Aug 7, 2007, 4:38:00 PM  

Here's a STL fan who doesn't really care what some clueless no-name says about the city.

But as for the "way to show class" comments: think about the fact that this is a comment section to a blog, and this guy made his remark on television, as a supposed professional, representing his team and city. Not at all the same. Nothing wrong with talking a little shit to defend your town. Quite a bit wrong with coming off like a clueless tool on broadcast TV (whether or not the remarks were "in jest").

Also, note to Cards-bashers: say what you want about the team, we STL fans have already said it all ourselves.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:44:00 PM  

FYI, Tony Gwynn was in the background laughing the entire time, though it was probably more of an "oh shit he's gonna anger plenty of people with this one" laugh. Apparently the A/C in the booth was broken, and it was clearing triple digits up there in their little room.

Plus, who in the midwest drives an El Camino? I haven't spent a TON of time in that area, but I thought southern california kinda cornered the market on El Caminos.

I should also note that Vasgersian made a disparaging remark about the Arch being an overrated tourist attraction, too, if any of you StL fans need more fodder for your "San Diego Sucks" meetings later at the local Steak & Shake.

bmr said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:44:00 PM  

this guys sounds like just as big a tool as the two morons who reached for that ball last night!

yes it is hot, and yes we do kick the padre's ass but i'd be willing ot bet there are twice as many el caminos in southern cal as there are here

and the rams...why does he give a shit? in case he hasn't noticed he's in san diego...home of the man who could soon be argued as one of the greatest offensive players to play the game of football in recent memory....


Penelton said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:54:00 PM  

Kyle, I didnt say it was closer to SD...I just said SoCal...I love SD...LA is pretty pathetic..I'm glad I got out of there before I began to get dumbed down...I agree with your previous comments point is that just cause you see a trashy fan (and I saw my share of them during NLDS game 2 in SD last year) you dont just cast generalizations (especially on air) and say: look at that guy from Barstow...that just shows ignorance...I think that El Camino comment is great!! I just saw one in Santa Monica 5 days ago...havent seen one in STL in years...hmmm

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 4:56:00 PM  

Fair enough. Like I said before, every city and team has moron fans.

Kyle said...
Aug 7, 2007, 5:12:00 PM  

And yes, LA < SD. Thank god Camp Pendelton keeps Los Angeles from sprawling down this way!

Kyle said...
Aug 7, 2007, 5:13:00 PM  

It's actually a Ranchero and not a Camino dumb ass...

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 5:18:00 PM  

As a born and raised St. Louisan who's now a San Diego transplant, I've got to say: Lighten up. Matt's known for his off-the-cuff comments, which are for the most part pretty damn funny. During Saturday's game versus the Giants where Bonds hit #755 he made another comment that I'm sure got Giants fans riled up. A long ball was hit out to left by the Pads which Bonds failed to pull in twice because he couldn't hustle. After seeing that, Matt commented on Bonds history as a golden glover, qualifying it with the fact that it had been over ten years or so since he last won the award, attributing that to his, er, "bigger body."

He also made those comments after getting slammed by the Cards in a 10 run inning! It's clear that stung him a bit. I heard the comments myself, and while surprised I let 'em go knowing his history and understanding the context. In fact, it's pretty hard not to smile to yourself after seeing what I saw in the fifth.

Seriously, there's a reason that we (Cardinals fans) are considered the best fans in baseball, and it's not because we get riled up over stuff like this. Let it go. Come on guys, we're better than this.

Stay classy St. Louis.

brad77 said...
Aug 7, 2007, 5:22:00 PM  

Another example would have been when they were showing Bonds home runs between certain ages. Matt commented on the number Bonds had hit between 36 and 40 being much higher than any other ages (if I recall correctly). Mark Grant gave a "Hmmm."

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 7:16:00 PM  

Matt Vagersian is a MORAN!

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 8:31:00 PM  

I am from St. Louis and was in the booth with Matt when he said what he said. I thought is was freakin' hilarious!!! He was totally playing around for our sake. There is a group of people from St. Louis that work with him when he comes in town and we were all laughing when he said it! Everybody needs to stop getting their panties in a wad and grow up.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 8:34:00 PM  

its funny when st louis gets mad and tries to insult Like you guys wouldn't trade climates and scenery in a split second. Stl may sell out all there games, but its mainly due to there being NOTHING else to do in the stopover state.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 8:48:00 PM  

Anybody from Missouri cannot argue about the ozark comment. I have made the comments myself, but only out of jest. Fly over state, this is generally true, but I am ok with that. Hot as shit, I thank the lord that I do not live in Missouri anymore because it gets so damn hot. The two jokers who jumped over the wall well every park eventually has one of them. The El Camino comment was awesome, funny stuff. If it bothers everyone then boycot San Diego but I for one will enjoy the nice weather, beautiful women, and overpriced housing market.

You know what who really cares what this guy thinks.

Anonymous said...
Aug 7, 2007, 9:46:00 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
brad77 said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:41:00 PM  

@Anonymous: "I for one will enjoy the nice weather, beautiful women, and overpriced housing market."

You said it! Right on all counts.


brad77 said...
Aug 7, 2007, 10:42:00 PM  

can anybody blame him? st. louis is at the threshold of hell.

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 12:32:00 AM  

Grew up in St Louis, huge Cards living in SD (a.k.a. "Sucks Dick!") There are far more Walmarts out here in SD than in St Louis. Not to mention that the employees in STL SPEAK ENGLISH.
Tell Matt to go back to his mobile home in Lake Side. How's that gay parade you been braggin' about Matty boy.

Tim in Coronado

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 12:13:00 PM  

Lock the comments section for this post, Tim in Coronado has made a post so stupid no one can hope to top it.

Kyle said...
Aug 8, 2007, 1:11:00 PM  

Hey Matty, Great work. It's "all" true about St. Lou. The place sucks. It's not the end of the world, but, you can see it from there. You know what I really like about St. Lou.? NOTHIN' We love you here in SD. We're afraid we'll lose you to a bigger market someday. Hope not. Great sense of funny and ya' tell it rike it is.I don't even want to fly over ST.L, when going to east coast. Maybe a stray bullet, flying hub cap, piece of chicken hit de plane.
Larry, San Diego and loving it.

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 1:34:00 PM  

Yessssss!!!! It is true. I live in San Diego and I am a longtime Cards fan. On Monday nights game, he was bashing the cards fans and indeed did say "get back in your El Camino and go back to the Ozarks". Then you heard him muffle "Im sick of comming to this hole and getting out asses kicked."
The next night he made a poor attempt at explaining.

I used to like him but now I think he is a piece of shit. One could just as easily say "Get back in your jacked up Chevy gas guzzeler and go back to Lakeside."

It's too bad he doesn't have the class that Buck has.

Unknown said...
Aug 8, 2007, 2:04:00 PM  

Does anyone have to audio/video of this? I work at a STL radio station and wanted to play it. Let me me at

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 2:11:00 PM  

Cox channel 4 sports is his employer. Let them know what you think....

Unknown said...
Aug 8, 2007, 2:22:00 PM  

Don't be mad cause Matty is right. St. Louis BLOWS ASS! It's hot and has the worst crime rate in the country. I think he was spot on. Every one of you cry babies that bitches and complains about Matty V must have forgotten Mel Proctor. Now that guy was an Asshole. Rick Suttcliff said it best. "Matty... Matty... What are you still doing here in San Diego???"

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 2:23:00 PM  

My brother was the witness that brought these coments to light. Just wanted to tell Matt that he can stick it and when he comes back to St. Louis we'll show him what heat is.

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 3:23:00 PM  

grew up in STL went to school in the ozarks now in SD for ten years always a cards fan. Matty is a joker and comes up with some pretty funny shit (this comment included) harmless fun and it is hot as shit in STL I was there last August.. WHile the cards have had the Pads number in the post season (although Bochy fucked up by pitching Peavy first last year it would have been a different series if C Young started the first game.) The Pads have kicked the cards ass this year and last year in the regular season... and will probably win the next two games in STL because the Cards really do suck this year...

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 3:30:00 PM  

Last year was the Pads World Series to lose. And lose they did. Boch didn't mess anything up last year. Now pitching Woody Williams in game one in '05, that was a mistake. Leave Matty alone. He's big-time (NFL on FOX, video games)...and he's going to be even bigger (Dodgers, et al). Aren't Cards fans supposed to know everything anyway?

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 3:56:00 PM  

Does anyone have the audio on this? I'd like to hear it.

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 7:02:00 PM  

Oh god, how funny can Midwesterners be?

A guy criticizes St. Louis-in jest-and they start talking about how "they" beat the Padres in the playoffs.

Sorry, but the whole country isn't a cesspool with so little to offer that people have to live vicariously through their sports teams.

Vasgersian talks about the Ozarks and El Caminos and people think that winning a couple of playoff series puts him in his place. Actually, that just proves what hicks they are.

"you makin' fun of Ozarkans, sissy boy? well our team will forever be 2006 world champs and all you will have is the beautiful city of San Diego."

Best fans in baseball? It is debatable.

Clueless asshats? Yep.

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 10:10:00 PM  

It must be nice to live in a part of the country where there is nothing to do but cheer for your boring sports teams, hand wash your denim shorts, and tongue kiss your sister. Next time you take your obese, miserable family on their bi-centennial vacation in said El Camino be sure to check out San Diego. Matty V is the best!

Anonymous said...
Aug 8, 2007, 11:07:00 PM  

I agree with them. Missouri is a white trash infested shithole.

Anonymous said...
Aug 9, 2007, 12:49:00 AM  

i would like to point out that the cardinals spent $32,176,256 more than the padres did this year, and yet the padres till have a better record by 8 games. so the padres do more with way less. so whos better?

Anonymous said...
Aug 9, 2007, 1:43:00 AM  

"I agree with them. Missouri is a white trash infested shithole"

the key word there is WHITE trash infested shithole. On the other hand, Sand Diego is a BROWN trash infested shithole.

St. Louis has more personality than Matt V's waxed eyebrows could ever hope to portray.

I love how everyone keeps associating St. Louis with the Ozarks because it shows such ignorance. There is quite a distance between St. Louis and the Ozarks, but you ignorant gas guzzling, insecure, hide behind my paycheck pussies don't know any different. You people are worse than the mexicans that have taken over your state!

"Next time you take your obese, miserable family on their bi-centennial vacation in said El Camino be sure to check out San Diego. Matty V is the best!"

Yeah, I will be sure to check out a 4th rate californian city in my el camino. That is like going to Nevada and visiting Reno.

Anonymous said...
Aug 9, 2007, 2:58:00 AM  

"You people are worse than the mexicans that have taken over your state!"

"the key word there is WHITE trash infested shithole. On the other hand, Sand Diego is a BROWN trash infested shithole. "

Oh my, I never would have guessed you are from Missouri.

It sure is fun to get you people riled. I can imagine saying Jack Buck was a boring old man and Tony LaRussa looks like Rosie O'Donnell's older sister and you wishing California would fall into the ocean and take all the Hollywood liberals and Mexicanos with it.

There, there. You seem upset. Why not go read Three Nights In August, arugably the greatest book not named the Holy Frickin' Bible, and just ask yourself, What Would TLR Do?

Anonymous said...
Aug 9, 2007, 4:48:00 AM  

actually, i am not from missouri. I am from central illinois, near chicago. It just bothers me when west coasters (esp. those that live in a 4th rate city like San Diego) think they are better than the rest of the world.

You people are a bunch of idiots and everybody knows it. Everybody except your smug, idiotic selves!

Anonymous said...
Aug 9, 2007, 12:24:00 PM  

Anonymous said...
1:43 AM Actually, St Louis is in the Ozarks, but barely. (the City isnt, but the county is) The Ozarks (also referred to as Ozarks Mountain Country, the Ozark Mountains or the Ozark Plateau) is a physiographic, geologic, and cultural highland region of the central United States. It covers much of the southern half of Missouri and an extensive portion of northwest and north central Arkansas. The region also extends westward into extreme southeast Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma.
History lesson over

Anonymous said...
Aug 9, 2007, 12:30:00 PM  

Sports aside I am happy to be from and live in MO. I understand the SoCal complex. The people I grew up with here that moved to SoCal are the ones that found their self worth in shiny things the symbol on the front of their car. You grow up watching 90210 and the OC and actually think it makes you part of something important...

It's a great place to visit, but not a lot of interesting people. Let's talk about image and money for 7 hours.

Anonymous said...
Aug 9, 2007, 3:46:00 PM  

yo patrick..don't fucking dis L.A., u fucking st. louis hick...we have the smartest people here...look at people who go to UCLA...and all the jobs we have here...better than those lynching jobs or drug deals that happen in st.louis

Anonymous said...
Aug 11, 2007, 2:43:00 AM  

Being a Cardinal fan, I have always been partial to St. Louis. I have visited St. Louis several times and found the city fun to visit with a number of outstanding attractions. If you do some investigating you will find that St.Louis is not the "hick town" that it is made out to be. In fact, even though San Diego is ranked ahead of St.Louis in population, the two cities are about equal in their Metro area populations(around 2.6 to 2.8 million). Surprisingly, St.Louis is ranked ahead of San Diego as far as media markets go. Though San Diego is listed as a city with over one million people and St. Louis is said to only have 350,000 citizens, the population density of St.Louis is much greater. This is because San Diego's city boundaries encompass around 300 square miles while St.Louis has only 68 square miles within its confines.

I also have an affinity for San Diego as well, because I lived there for about 12 years and still have some family and friends in the area. However, some of you are putting down St.Louis by acting like San Diego is "paradise on earth". I can assure you it is not. There is much to like about San Diego...the ocean, the hills, the tropical foliage, the climate, the Mexican food, etc. However, we left San Diego because of the high cost of living there...the price of a single family home there has gone through the roof. For all the money you pay for your home, what do you get? Generally, an old, small home with an insignificant yard. San Diego also has its share of drug trafficking crimes and the like. BTW, you will find many of the same types of people in the San Diego area as you would in the St.Louis area. As far as El Caminos go, I would imagine that you would find more around San Diego than St.Louis. As far as I can tell the Ozarks are not close to St.Louis or St.Louis County. BTW, Barstow is 181 miles(approx. 3 hours or less) from San Diego...about as far as Springfield is from St.Louis. I am not an expert on this, but it appears that Springfield is kind of like the "gateway of the Ozarks".

Anyway, I have listened to Vasgersian in the past and frankly I am little disappointed that he would stoop to this level. Since he used to be a Brewer's announcer too, I am sure he is just tired of the Cardinals getting the best of his teams. Can we please stop using profanity to get across points? Thanks for understanding.

Anonymous said...
Aug 11, 2007, 2:50:00 AM  

Matt, hey faggot, wanna feel some heat, step out on the streets after the game and we'll make you feel some heat on that ass. SD...hmmmm Suck Dick, Who's your Padre? we are every year, you guys choke on your own cum you losers. I would love to lend you my El Camino so I can watch you get ass fucked by the typical queer San Diegan. Go do announcing for Men's oil wrestling douchbag.

Anonymous said...
Aug 12, 2007, 11:35:00 PM  

"yo patrick..don't fucking dis L.A., u fucking st. louis hick...we have the smartest people here..."

Yeah. I can see that...

Dan Allen said...
Aug 16, 2007, 2:18:00 PM  

Hey joe, did you just post a fantasy of yours?

Anonymous said...
Aug 16, 2007, 3:52:00 PM  

You guys are hilarious!

"Can we please stop using profanity to get across points? Thanks for understanding."

7 minutes later...

Joe said...

"Matt, hey faggot..."

LOL! Baseballs best fans, indeed.....

Unknown said...
Aug 28, 2007, 1:16:00 AM  

mDdo4G Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...
Oct 26, 2007, 4:11:00 AM  

w81mzT Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...
Oct 26, 2007, 2:02:00 PM  

Hello all!

Anonymous said...
Oct 26, 2007, 3:16:00 PM  

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...
Oct 27, 2007, 3:14:00 PM  

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...
Oct 27, 2007, 4:05:00 PM  

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...
Oct 30, 2007, 2:14:00 AM  

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...
Oct 30, 2007, 5:27:00 AM  

I've lived in both chicago and san diego. I've visited St. Louis many times. Matt said what 90% of all visitors to St. Louis say every August, "This place sucks." It's true. You're not going to change anyone's opinion on the matter, no matter HOW passionate you are about your town.

Unknown said...
Aug 23, 2008, 6:25:00 AM  

This is true, St. Louis sucks, the Cardinals suck, and a good majority of their fans just pick up the Cardinals because of Pujols.

Anonymous said...
Sep 11, 2008, 3:14:00 PM  

LOL - what a tool. Don't know what is worse: the horrid broadcasting by "Matty" or his waxed eyebrows.

And the irony is, despite the nice weather, SD manages to be a true toilet.

Anonymous said...
Nov 11, 2008, 4:14:00 AM  

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