An Evening With AA
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Just wanted to put up a quick post and thank you to Larry Brown for taking the time to
interrogate er, interview me. If you have any interest in getting into the mind of AA please head over to Larry Brown Sports and comment on why you like the site, or hate it (I'm a big boy...I can take it).
Interview with Awful Announcing (Larry Brown Sports)
FYI- I joined the ranks of Ben Maller and Adam Schefter as an LBS interview. Read those as well.....they are much better (and relevant) than mine.
Did he ask to practice first?
I mean, c'mon...we're talking about PRACTICE here.
I read it this morning without this shameless plug...good work.
Great interview by you both!
Well played by both AA and LBS. When two of the better blogs around collide, all I can say is MIND EXPLOSION(!!!!).
Come on, the grilling session wasn't that bad was it?